View Full Version : Ladies things, ladies only please

28-11-10, 23:35
I'll try and keep this as "clean" as possible, i'm so embarrassed.
Everytime i'm on my period i get the same problem, i've just come off and it's happened again...

(I wear pads, and have tried different brands, i don't fancy tampons)

It gets so sore and red down there, in my bottom and between my legs. It's really painfully sore and dry, i'm close to tears:weep:

I've just been in the shower and put the shower head down there to wash it, and i've put on cotton underwear.

If anyone has any advice to ease the soreness and dryness it would be much appreciated. Thank you

28-11-10, 23:38
The best cream I know of is Sudocrem

28-11-10, 23:53
Hi there

No need to be embarassed, we all have these personal issues from time to time.

Are your periods heavy? It seems like you maybe need a more absorbant towel or are maybe allergic to something in the brand you are using - you might want to try a few different ones until you find one that suits you better?

You might also want to try tampons, Tampex do a mini one that is good to start with. Providing you change them frequently they are good for keeping things dry.

I agree, Sudacream is good for any soreness in a personal area.

Hope this helps.


28-11-10, 23:53
Ive got excema there so can empathise! After showering, pat dry. Sometimes baby powder helps, sudocrem is good too. I have been prescribed a wash too and 50/50 cream, both of which help immsensly! Going knickerless is always gol
od at night too.. I cant use tampons either, they hurt , but you can get silk always pads which are a-mazing, or bodyform tend to be gentler too . Good luck, you have my sympathies! Xx

29-11-10, 00:10
hmm I use lady wipes by Boots, they are damp and have witch hazel in them I think.
I tried baby wipes but they really sting lol
I find trimming down there helps too as there is less hair for the flow to stick to.
it must be horrible to be soo uncomfortable every month :-(

29-11-10, 09:01
Natracare do a pad that is totally organic so not chemicals in them at all to irritate - they are not as soft as the ones from the chemist but nothing in them other than organic cotton- apparently cotton is most heavily sprayed crop with pesticides there is and these checmicals end up in your pads as well as the chlorine from bleaching the cotton as well. I get these pads from internet just google natracare sanitary towels and you will get quite a few sites- if you like them you can buy in bulk and it saves loads of money.

29-11-10, 11:38
Hi there. I get something similar. It was caused by thrush for me, which I had for years without knowing it!
I found the always ultra silk range is really good and also Natracare are really nice too.

29-11-10, 12:11
Try some E45 cream, It's great for dry skin all over the body and won't cause irritation.
Hope you feel better soon.

xxx :)

29-11-10, 18:15
Sounds like you are allergic to the plastic in the pads you use. Try using Natracare products. I had the same thing as you for months and as soon as I started using Natracare the symptoms cleared up.

Hope they work for you too.

29-11-10, 18:29
Thank you all so mcuh for your reassurance and advice. I dread getting my period because i know how sore i get eachtime.
I'll have a look into those Natracare products, i had a look on the website but they only sell them in very few shops, non are which are close to me but i'll have another look on the internet and see if i can get some from somewhere.

I wanted some E45 cream for my hands so i can easily get some of that and i'll try sudacrem too.

Thank you again, if it's not sorted out i might be posting again in a months time:winks:


29-11-10, 23:03
You can get natracare pads via internet from Beauty Naturals- anthing from one box to bulk buy.

Hazel B
29-11-10, 23:05
Waitrose sell Natracare if you have one nearby............

29-11-10, 23:44
try cleaning the shower head

30-11-10, 17:08
try sudocreme, it could just be irritation from the pads you wear.

01-12-10, 16:00
i cant believe someone has the same problem as me!!!!!!! i am due to come on this week and dreading it as last month i got very dry and sore downstairs....

which brand do you use? i'm nervous about trying tampons as i find them a little uncomfortable and prefer pads.

please get me back to me and share your sorry hehe!

take care,