View Full Version : Anxiety

29-11-10, 09:00
Hi I am new to this but have been reading the site for a few weeks now.I was told a year ago that I have got anxiety after visiting the GP with chest pain although I didn't believe them,so continued to visit the Gp's,one put me on Citalopram which I took for 10 days and they made me ill (couldn't sleep at all, no appetite and felt very anxious) so I stopped them, they then put me on Seroxat(took one of these and woke up with palpations and sweating so didn't take anymore). They recently diagnoised me with Helicobactor infection and I have now finished my antibiotics and don't have the symptoms as bad as before but I am now convinced I have got Lung cancer, because of these intermittant chest pains and intermittant aches in my back shoulders and arm. I have had 2 Ecg's and all were normal, blood tests normal, I went for a chest xray last week but am dreading the results. I am eating fine and can excersise with no pain, I haven't lost weight and have no cough or breathing problems. I woke up last night after an hours sleep with pain in my upper back and so convinced myself I was having a heart attack, I have now took some Gaviscon and the pains have more or less gone but I feel like I am going mad with these irrational thoughts, I was never like this before although I have always been a uptight person. My Mom passed away 4 months ago and I lost my Dad and brother 4 years ago. I am married with one 15yr old girl who I adore and am scared stiff of dying and leaving her and think my hubby is now losing patience with me and the way I am. So sorry for rambling on and on but got so much to say and don't know how to put it all into words. xx

29-11-10, 09:01
Hi Sivi1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
29-11-10, 11:26
Hi ad welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

29-11-10, 11:32
hi and :welcome: to nmp

29-11-10, 14:55
Hi Sivi1, :welcome:tothe forum.

20-12-10, 19:24
Hi, I have had my results from my chest xray and it was all normal, thank god.Has anyone else been told that they have Costachronditis, I have an wonder what is the best form of treatment for this, I ave been having intermittant chest pains tonight.