View Full Version : Chain e-mails

29-11-10, 09:48
Just received one of these from a colleague threatening bad luck if I don't pass it on. I deleted it but, being superstitious, now I'm worrying myself sick about what might happen. Anyone else ever get one of these? Now I feel like walking along the corridor and punching him in the face for giving me something else to worry about. I'm pretty much in bits right now as it is...:weep:

29-11-10, 10:06
There just emails they can't and won't hurt u, I get textes like that all the time I delete them.

U did the right thing by deleting it and ignore it

29-11-10, 10:25
Yep get loads mainly from work and they just get deleted, used to bother me slightly when they started but the more I delete the more they didn’t bother me. I look at this way, I’m the one that is supposed to have issues yet I can happily delete them, the folk who send them are supposedly ‘normal’ and yet they feel the need to send them – that makes me a more level headed and stronger person than them.

mr badger
29-11-10, 10:32
Yep get loads mainly from work and they just get deleted, used to bother me slightly when they started but the more I delete the more they didn’t bother me. I look at this way, I’m the one that is supposed to have issues yet I can happily delete them, the folk who send them are supposedly ‘normal’ and yet they feel the need to send them – that makes me a more level headed and stronger person than them.

Great thinking there. Imagine the anxiety you may cause if you passed the e-mail on. Just bin it.

Make yourself a new superstition. Every time you bin such a message, you get some good luck.

paula lynne
29-11-10, 10:33
Hi mudskipper x
I got an e-mail a couple of days ago from "the FBI, J.Edgar Hoover building...!" basically if I didnt send $300 dollars to a certain adress.."The FBI will come to my home and detain me...for terrorist/money laundering activites..." The only thing Im guilty of holding to randsom is my kitchen sink!
I was a bit worried when I first read it, but then deleted it...still waiting for the FBI!
Tell your mate you dont respond to such tripe, and put it out of your mind mate x

29-11-10, 11:05
Yeah I hate it. I played a visual game where you spot the Ls in the Is and things like that then it told me that if I didnt copy and paste it to 15 people I would go blind within the hour! But how? How could it do that? I still counted the hour though and I'm fine.

29-11-10, 12:06
Thanks for responses, really didn't need this right now as I'm a superstitious person and those tendencies have become a hell of a lot worse over the past few months owing to my anxiety. I wouldn't mind but he's not even a mate, just someone I made the mistake of doing a favour for once and now I'm stuck in his e-mail list for any old crap he wants to send along. The weekend was crap and this just makes things worse and I'm starting to wonder if I really am on the slippery slope to institutionalisation.

29-11-10, 12:16
Just received one of these from a colleague threatening bad luck if I don't pass it on. I deleted it but, being superstitious, now I'm worrying myself sick about what might happen. Anyone else ever get one of these? Now I feel like walking along the corridor and punching him in the face for giving me something else to worry about. I'm pretty much in bits right now as it is...:weep:

I usually ignore them ,or send email saying please dont send me anymore of these .Id add his emails to spam folder .Then you wont see them next time .Blooming stupid .What a pillock sending them on .pffft :lac:..Sue

29-11-10, 12:19
Oddly even though I suffer with anxiety I voluntered years ago to be the person my friends could send these mails/texts/letters onto. They are so much rubbish I actually get satisfaction out of deleting them.

Delete them and take is a a sign of your strength that you can do it

29-11-10, 16:57
They're a load of nonsense -- delete them straight away and don't even think about them again. People who send these to you threatening bad luck if you break the chain are NOT your friends !

29-11-10, 17:56
I get them all the time, via text,email, facebook, really dislike them as they are spam n pointless.
I always just delete them.
although some are nice ones such as your wish will come true if you pass it on to 6 people.

29-11-10, 21:43
Well I'm ashamed to say I caved in. I recalled the e-mail and forwarded it to 20 more people. Do I feel better? No worse. For one thing I'll probably get in trouble for circulating this kind of thing at work, at the very least 20 people I work with will know what a nut job I've become. Secondly it points up what a paranoid wreck I've become. Ten years ago this sort of crap wouldn't even have registered on my radar, now it literally runs my life and all the therapy, drugs and CBT have made not the slightest difference. It really is all rather pointless.

30-11-10, 19:12
Well then. Time to turn it around! This is your motivation now, use this as an example to yourself when you are a stronger person and you will look back on it and say "pah". It is the last time you give in. Make it your new years resolution. Don't give in.
It doesnt matter if you fall over once. Get back up and put ice grips on your shoes.