View Full Version : Losing my hair

29-11-10, 10:55
I'm in a panic, i have been losing my hair for last couple of months...i'm aware that we lose up to 100 a day but this is more. Even my hairdresser has mentioned how thin my hair is getting.

Ok i should go to doctors but for some reason i'm scared to. I'm 42 and acting like a silly kid, keep crying and getting wound up about it. My mum suffers with an under active thyroid and she's telling me it's probably that but i did google (yes i know a big no no) but found something called "telogen effluvium" which explains quite a bit and says that this can happen up to 3 months after a stressful event like illness or childbirth. Well i haven't had either of those but from June through to about September i did go thru a stressful time at work so i'm wondering if it could possible be related.

Anyone else had thinning of hair...if its the telogen thing they say it can correct itself with 6 months but at the rate its coming out i don't think i'd have any left in 6 months.


29-11-10, 11:30
Hi Tracey,

Sorry to hear about your hair worries. I have had this problem too. I have fine hair anyway which doesn't help matters, but I periodically suffer a distinct thinning of my hair after a lot of stress. The first time I had it was after my breakdown 6 years ago and I currently am noticing again a thinning of my hair after a recent relapse of panic attacks and anxiety.

I am a bit disturbed by this but I know my hair bounces back again so am trying not to focus on it too much as this can only make matters worse! Like you say, we lose hair every day and it is replaced so do try not to worry too much...xxxxx

29-11-10, 11:37
Hi Tracy, I've noticed that during times of stress or when I have a bout of bad anxiety my hair fall out more than usual. ASt first it worried me alot that whenever I showered I seemed to lose handfuls of hair. But then I realised that my whole body seems to suffer when I have anxiety bouts so it makes sense that my hair will suffer too, so I try not to worry about it too much. Usually after a few months it's looking good again and that goes for my nails, skin and stomach complaints too.
Hope this helps but by all means speak to the doctor if you're very anxious about it.

29-11-10, 14:43
Nourkin from holland and barratt is brill for hair loss.
My pal lost loads of hair in fact you could see her scalp clearly, she used it for 6 months and the difference is amazing.
It's a herbal tablet so it's safe xxx

29-11-10, 14:55
hi tracy,

my hair falls out alot,i suffer from bad anxiety so thats propbably my reason,my bf goes mad cos he says he sick of finding my hair everywhere! lol! but theres lots of reasons why hair can fall out,does'nt mean its anything serious,its amazing what stress and anxiety can do to our bodies,im sure ur ok hun:hugs:

30-11-10, 08:34
Hi Tracey.
The others are right - stress and anxiety can be a cause of telogen effluvium. I began losing mine when I was 21 - I'm now 25 and in my case it was diagnosed as androgenetic alopecia which unfortunately has no cure, but I am using minoxidil, which is the only proven product out there and have re-grown some of what I lost. If you want to pm me and explain a bit more about your hairloss pattern feel free and I may be able to help you. I know far too much about the different types and causes of hairloss, I researched it obsessively when it was happening to me and have seen several dermatologists. Take care, don't stress! I know how horrible this is, really such an upsetting thing to go through. Hugs.

paula lynne
30-11-10, 09:55
Hi Tracey68,
Theres a great product from Lush online called "NEW"..its a small round solid shampoo, full of natural oils that promote hair growth and stimulates the scalp, it smells wonderful, and has helped me with hormonal hair loss. X

30-11-10, 10:59
Ive posted this before .Read the causes and the vitamin pages .You will find some interesting facts . www.stophairlossnow.co.uk (http://www.stophairlossnow.co.uk) sue x

30-11-10, 11:43
HI Tracey, please don't worry, that will make it worse. I suggest you go to your GP and explain about your fears and ask for a test for thiroid (sorry carn't spell) will tell you one way or another.l
I have had a lot of hair loss through a lot of stress .My hair is very fine, and I am alot older than you though,I have tried loads of vitamin treatments over the years. Nothing has worked for me yet .I am going to try Nourkin that nmp member mentioned though. Thats one I have not tryed.I will tell the assistant what medication I am on to see its ok first,
everyone should do this before they take any supplements They are very good at Holland & Barratt for giving advice
Take Care

30-11-10, 14:19
Many thanks for all your replies.

I'm trying so hard to not be stressed about it and not to worry but as you all know easier said than done lol. I'm going through a phase now of running my fingers through my hair and then getting upset coz hair will be coming out...yep stop doing it :blush:. Didn't even want to brush my hair this morning in case loads came out but i did and counted the hairs...how sad is that.

I've got really thick hair and hate how thin it feels...maybe i should give it a couple of weeks or wait till after christmas and see how it goes, does that sound like a plan?


30-11-10, 18:53
Nourkin from holland and barratt is brill for hair loss.
My pal lost loads of hair in fact you could see her scalp clearly, she used it for 6 months and the difference is amazing.
It's a herbal tablet so it's safe xxx

Thanks for that, i'm gonna try some and found it cheaper at Amazon I think its £77 for a 3 month supply £99 at Holland and Barrett:yesyes:

01-12-10, 09:26
Hi sweetie,

Just my 2 cents as a long term sufferer of this - please do be careful about forking out a lot of money on these 'wonder' pills - believe me I did the same in the midst of my panic as I was desperate to stop the hair fall (I used viviscal which is much like nourkrin), but just remember that none of them are clinically proven to work. They certainly didn't work for me! They may well improve hair quality but there is no evidence that they stimulate hair growth. Minoxidil is the only approved product for this, and you shouldn't use this unless your doctor recommends you do. It should be carefully researched too, due to side effects.

If your hairloss is due to stress, it will eventually be kickstarted to regrow by itself. If I were you I would take a cheaper supplement for your hair, make sure your iron levels are good (get a blood test for this?) and generally look after yourself for a while. Best of luck to you, and hugs, I really do know how you feel :hugs:

02-12-10, 19:53
I had terrible thinning a couple of years ago, and experiencing it again at the moment but not quite as bad (maybe it just doesn't look as bad though as my hair is blonde now and before it was dark and could notice scalp a lot more). When I had the problem before I researched everything, tried all sorts of different things like Viviscal and other products and nothing worked. I then went to hair clinic and got Minoxidil. It made even more hair come out for the first 3 months (they warn you of this) but then it all grew back. In the meantime I used this stuff called Nanogen hair fibers, they're tiny microfibres that you shake onto your hair and it completely covered up the thin batches at the front and the hole in the back of my part. Amazing stuff.

I take Wellwoman Original vitamin tablets as they are reasonably priced. They have exactly the same stuff in them as some more expensive specialist hair and nail vitamins.

It could definitely be due to stress though and if that's the case, like the others have said, it should all come back in the next couple of months. Main thing is to get your bloods including thyroid tested, and if something like thyroid comes up at least you have a reason and can treat it.

Good luck

05-12-10, 22:46
Thankyou for that Aussi11, I think i'll try the Wellwoman vitamins first.

08-12-10, 08:59
Well I went round to every chemist in my town and they had none of the Wellwoman Original so i've orded 3months worth online for just under £20:yesyes: