View Full Version : Should i be concerned?

29-11-10, 11:16
For the past few months my hands and feet have been extremely cold to the point that i have to wear gloves and thermal socks all the time. The rest of my body is fine however. Yesterday i felt a pain in my left hand and woke up with a bruise directly above a vein.

I've also noticed that i can see my pulse almost anywhere on my body, hands, wrists, neck, fingers and even my stomach moves with every beat. I'm pretty slim except i've got a bit of a belly and whilst searching on google i noticed that most people that suffer from the stomach pulse are slim.

I'm a 21 year old smoker and try to convince myself that i'm too young to be suffering from something serious. My father died of a heart attack at 51 and he was a fitness freak who didn't smoke or drink.

I don't know if this is worth bothering the doctor about as i've had a few blood tests and had 2 ECG's and was told everything is fine.

29-11-10, 11:29
I can see my heart beat everywhere too, so can loads of other peiople. Doesn't matter if you're slim or not! My mum isn't the slimmest of people and she can still see her heart beat in her tummy too. One time I was at the doctors and my best mate could see my pulse beating in my neck lol! I notice my heart beat more when I've just got out the bath cuz the water on my neck, chest and tummy shakes slightly with the heart beat, it's completey normal.

My feet and hands are ALWAYS cold, it's cuz I don't move around enough anymore =/. But with the weather at the moment, your body takes all the warmth from your limbs to keep your core warm cuz it's where all the organs are so probably everyone has cold feet and hands lately lool. :)

As for the bruise you could of actually just hit your hand on something and just not noticed. It really can be an innocent explination like that! I was getting random bruises all over my tummy at one point, I then realised my cat likes to use me as a trampoline to get onto the back of the sofa, and he's a BIG cat lol. Put the two together and had my answer. Since I stopped letting him jump off me I've had no bruises lol.

If you've had your heart tested with an ECG it means it's fine and doing it's job properly. Try not to worry, I know it's easier said than done but you're ok! :) x