View Full Version : Palpatations

29-11-10, 11:44
I have been suffering palps for a while now and went to my doctor today for the results of a 24hr heart monitor I had on, He originally sent me for the monitor because of dizziness, has anyone else had the monitor fitted and got some results? he said that on a couple of occasions my heart rate went to 194? so I have to see a specialist at Whiston Hospital, whats the highest heartrate anyone else has been diagnosed with and what was the outcome? My doctor wants to find out if the palpls are causing the panic/anxiety attacks or vice-versa but I think i've said before, i'd never suffered this bad until the overdose of thyroxine caused Hypertension! and then all these appointments especially when it concerns your heart make you more anxious!

29-11-10, 12:08
The highest Ive seen my heart while in a panic was 168bpm. Were you exercising atall when you had the monitor on?

I've to see a specialist too (Because I keep moaning about my heart to my doc), but mines not until May. Did you get your appointment yet?

194bpm alothough may seem fast to me and you the heart can take that quite easily. It's when it gets into it's mid 200's when it may become a problem? Did he say whether the rate of your heart was regular or not when it was in it's 190's?

xxx :)

29-11-10, 13:08
Hello Ella Jane, I was'nt excercising but I have a 1yr old who has recently found his feet and scares the living daylights out of me! in fact I do think its him that triggers my panic off because i'm so scared of him getting hurt, no that was'nt regular (194) it was just a couple of occasions, he did'nt tell me what it was the rest of the time but that it kept fluctuating and was at times fast, but he still thinks there may be nothing to worry about, My appontment is next month (17th Dec)

29-11-10, 21:01
Did he say that the rhythm was regular? (sorry I meant to say rhythm in my last post instead of heart rate!) Sinus Tachy as it's called? If so then you really don't have anything to worry about. I can see why he's sending you to a specialist, most probably for your reassurance and the other reason is just to be on the safe side. Sounds like you've got a good doctor there. I'm sure you'll be fine. Did he give you any beta blockers or anything?

x :)

30-11-10, 07:22
If he did mention the rhythm being regular or not it went straight over my head because once he mentioned a specialist my mind focused on that and was thinking allsorts, really when I go for results of tests I should have someone with me to listen, because when he'd finished talking I just asked "Could it be serious"? and he shook his head and said he did'nt think it would be, so fingers crossed that he's right. He said he wants to try and find out if the rapid heart is caused by the panic or the other way round and then it can be treated, now today I have a thumping headache and dizziness with migraine and a lot of the symptons for migraine are the same as anxiety, I know given time it will all pass, I will just have to be patient and try to stay calm,

Thankyou for your replies too:yesyes: