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View Full Version : Weird Thoughts Please Help

29-11-10, 12:54
I was wondering if this has happened to anyone. Its kinda hard to explain but for the last few months i have this thing in head when i am talking to someone like my mother that when she is talking to me i have thoughts going through my head like i should tell her to shut up, or call her a nasty name, i dont know why this is happening cos me and my mother have the best relationship and i would never call her a bad name or netin, so it kind of scares me when it happens
These thoughts come out of no where, it also happens when i am talking to my brother which i get on with really well too.
The other night was the worst cos i just wanted to scream out loud for no reason like i was goin to have this big out burst over nothing and i ahd to tell myself to calm down it got me really scared.
I was wondering if its because i keep things bottled up and then i take it out on the wrong people, i hate feeling this way cos id never really fight with my mother or brother and i dont want to either.
Please help and sorry for the long story just wanted to explain as best i could. :weep:

jaded jean
29-11-10, 18:48
Hi Aresenal123
It sounds like anxiety to me hun.
Just wishing evryone would shut up so you can have a bit of peace and not disturb your comfort zone eh?
I did that on occasion.I just removed myeself from the room or wherever and sat on my own and deep breathed.
Are you on any specific medication at all as that would contribute to it if you are on anti-depressants-especially if you have just started them as they will still be levelling out so to speak. It wont last forever and you will recognise it and probably have a good scream and laugh at it.The main thing is not to worry about it tho.
Take care Jean

29-11-10, 21:42
yeah, sounds like anxiety/OCD.
do you try and get rid of the thoughts but it just doesnt work no matter how hard you try? I dont get thoughts about telling people to shut up, but i do get obsessive thoughts about me hurting someone that im close to - even though i know i would NEVER do this. and no matter how hard i try and get rid of the thoughts nothing works, only makes them worse.

Try not to worry too much about the, cause ive learned that doing this only makes them worse.

30-11-10, 11:09
I have this frequently also, such as a thought about screaming at someone, losing my temper with them. I also go through scenarios in my head of like 'what if i shouted shut up' at them, what would happen and i get scared. These are just intrusive thoughts of something you really would want to do but dread of actually doing it.

30-11-10, 14:50
Thanx for all the messages guys it still happinin but trying not to worry too much. Just frightening because im not that sort of person. thanx again :)

30-11-10, 21:35
This is a pretty normal form of OCD. The fact that you describe having a loving relationship with your mother would indicate that this type of obsession has found the right button to push with you. That's probably only small comfort when you're wondering why you are having these thoughts. Try to simply be present with them. Human beings have a unique control over their actions and the presence of a thought does not require one to act on it, particularly if it is a repulsive one. Be patient with yourself. The more you push back, the more these thoughts will come. The more you are present with them, labeling them as OCD, the less punch they will pack.