View Full Version : Is this normal?

29-11-10, 14:03
Today I feel like my arms are buzzy and this is going to sound strange like I have anxiety in my arms. My legs are also affected though not as bad. Is this normal and if so how long does it last?

Also I am having real trouble speaking and remembering stuff at the moment. Is thus normal after an anxiety attack?

On the positive side I have managed to go out to shops today and stayed almost panic free. I hope I am turning a corner.

My head feels really tight inside though which us almost making me dizzy. Could that be the case?

If I could sort out these newest symptoms I would feel even better.

29-11-10, 14:22
Yep you are turning a corner!

I think I told you in one of your other threads I couldn't speak properly for 3 months and I still get a bit funny now. It's definately anxiety.

When I had my first panic attack, I was getting the adrenaline rushes from my chest right down my left arm over and over again all day til I actually managed to sleep. So I'd say yea, you can definatley get anxiety in your arms and legs lol.

You don't need to sort out the symptoms to feel ok dodo, it's all anxiety and deep down you know it cuz you even called them "new symptoms". Try to stop focusing on them and they'll vanish eventually. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. xx

29-11-10, 14:30
Thanks pokerface. I'm at a good point of my monthly cycle. Irony is though by the time I've sorted myself out it'll be the time of the month again. Grrrrr.

29-11-10, 14:34
LOL yea, happens to me too don't worry. Just be comforted in the fact it isn't always THIS bad every single month. We'll learn to cope better eventually too which will stop the anxiety being so bad. x

29-11-10, 17:37
I just wanted to say well done for going out and keeping the panic at bay it really is a turning point!


29-11-10, 17:44
Hi Dodo,

Yep it's definitely anxiety. Try not to be concerned about what you think 'is going to happen', because that brings on anxiety. I'm sure you're aware of that.
Congrats on your progress!:D