View Full Version : constant swallowing.....driving me mad!!!!

29-11-10, 14:36
hi everyone,this is my first post on here,after much hesitation,lol! i know this is quite a common issue on here as ive read alot of threads on it but im also having the same trouble,im just wanting reassurance i suppose:unsure: for the last 3 weeks or so ive been having this thing wer im swallowing all the time,more than usual,its driving me mental!!! theres times wer im the opposite too,wer i cant swallow at all or find it difficult.ive had this a couple of times in the past,first wen i was 11 and then again wen i was 16 but it just went away gradually,this time around tho it seems alot worse!!!! since 2006 i was on 20mg of prozac for panic attacks(as i suffered quite bad with panic attacks for 6 months,was hell!) and over two months i become better,infact i felt great,the prozac was brilliant,then 2 years down the line i get all scared and worried as i was bleeding from my...bum:roflmao:me being me i assumed it was bowl cancer even tho it was only piles!!! so my doctor put me up to 40mg of prozac,was fine again after that,had a few blips but nowt major like before,then july this year i finally thought i was ready to come off them(and if im being honest i wasnt taking them on a very regular basis 3 months before i came off as i always forgot to take them) so i went to see my doctor and followed his advice.i was fine for a month,then things started going downhill.my grandmother died,hit me really bad,we was also moving house at the same time.since then ive been feeling like this,i knew something was wrong wen i started with panic attacks,have'nt had one in ages and it felt awful!!!! then i gets this constant swallowing thing all the time now,im doing it all day everyday,just cant take my mind of it no matter how hard i try,scares the hell out of me! i know this will sound "eurgh" but my mouth is producing loads of saliva,so much that i dont know wot to do with it.i went back to the docs and she checked my throat,felt my neck and said its anxiety and suggested i should go back on the meds again as maybe i wasnt ready to come off them.i just feel like the docs dont really understand me,unless u have experienced this for yourself,thats why i came on here,just wanna know how other people cope cos i aint coping at all,this has made me feel so down:weep: :weep: my life is just one big grey cloud with added swallowing! hope someone out there will understand

01-12-10, 14:09

01-12-10, 14:33
Trust your doc if she says back on the meds then so be it. It sounds like you still have issues if when something goes wrong the panic/anxiety comes back. I would look at going back on the meds and asking for some therapy that way you can learn to cope with whatever the issues are that you have, you might be in a better position to come of the meds in future then if you are able to control your thought processes.