View Full Version : IS there anyone that can relate?!?

29-11-10, 15:16
Hello my friends,

Haven't been on in a while...been very busy and somehow my HA was somewhat under control. I have several questions. I have hesitated if I should post them due to the fact that I can not explain what I am feeling very well but here goes....
My first question: I have been attending counseling seesions. I have been to about 4/5 sessions. I am not to sure that it is really helping me. I go because I have horrible HA but I have learned that my HA steams from general anxiety, just constant worry about things. What exactly should I receive from counseling? I want her to direct me to better thoughts and really all we talk about is my problems and how I feel about them...

Next question- I have been experiencing something very strange, let me see if I can explain...I can't be still. If I don't move my arms, legs, or sratch something I feel wierd. Like I can't be still. This is really bad when I lay down in bed at night. I feel the need to just move all the time or roll my eyes around. I also itch when this happens. I take xantax sometimes..I wonder if this causes this problem?

Next question-- something else very strange that is hard to explain....This happens mostly when I am tired but really worries me bad!! If I am cleaning up around the house or shopping in a store...all of a sudden I can feel faint. Not like I am going to faint just this weakness engulfs me. Just for a split second though. I feel it in my heart but its not like a palipation. Its just this very strange weak feeling that scares me then it is gone, it may happen 2 or 3 times when i am tired. Can anyone at all relate??

29-11-10, 15:49
Also, something that I need to add. The faint feeling kinda reminds me of a heart palipation..you know how it kinda takes your breath away?
Also, the feeling of needing to move constantly....it also make me very aggitated and ill! ANYONE?

07-12-10, 19:45
The agitation is anxiety. Happens to me all the time. The more anxious I am, the less possible it is to sit still. It's adrenaline.

It sounds like what you really need is CBT, which is more about directing your behaviour. If the therapy isn't working, I would say you should be really honest and tell your therapist. They can only help if they know what works for you.

07-12-10, 22:34
I cab relate with the counselling. I have had a couple of sessions and I really can't see where it's leading to. All we seem to do is sit and I talk and he just nods his heads and ums a lot. We don't seem to be 'resolving' anything. I like you wanted some ways to turn my thoughts into positive ones. Tbh I thinking could do his job, it doesn't seem to be rocket science what he's doing.

08-12-10, 13:38
Hello my friends,

Haven't been on in a while...been very busy and somehow my HA was somewhat under control. I have several questions. I have hesitated if I should post them due to the fact that I can not explain what I am feeling very well but here goes....
My first question: I have been attending counseling seesions. I have been to about 4/5 sessions. I am not to sure that it is really helping me. I go because I have horrible HA but I have learned that my HA steams from general anxiety, just constant worry about things. What exactly should I receive from counseling? I want her to direct me to better thoughts and really all we talk about is my problems and how I feel about them...

Next question- I have been experiencing something very strange, let me see if I can explain...I can't be still. If I don't move my arms, legs, or sratch something I feel wierd. Like I can't be still. This is really bad when I lay down in bed at night. I feel the need to just move all the time or roll my eyes around. I also itch when this happens. I take xantax sometimes..I wonder if this causes this problem?

Next question-- something else very strange that is hard to explain....This happens mostly when I am tired but really worries me bad!! If I am cleaning up around the house or shopping in a store...all of a sudden I can feel faint. Not like I am going to faint just this weakness engulfs me. Just for a split second though. I feel it in my heart but its not like a palipation. Its just this very strange weak feeling that scares me then it is gone, it may happen 2 or 3 times when i am tired. Can anyone at all relate??

Im sorry your feeling so yucky with HA. I was wondering in maybe your faintness is like that feeling when you stand up too quick? like seeing starts a bit? If so I get that on and off as well, especially when im NOT as anxious..... I know that sounds weird but im sure that the anxiety itself is the cause. Think its low blood pressure. Not suer about the restlessness but its definately something I get with anxiety as well.

Youll get there though luv just keep going


08-12-10, 15:15
definitely try CBT instead...

i firstly had counselling which seemed a lot of umming and ahhing from the therapist and it didn't get me anywhere, i felt after maybe 2 or 3 sessions that i didn't wanna talk anymore i wanted to resolve.

i'm now having CBT and although it is hard work it is beginning to really click and work wonders for me.

good luck :) also, drink lots of water, sounds simple but may help the light headed-ness

15-12-10, 17:53
Thanks u guys!

15-12-10, 18:09
definitely try CBT instead...

i firstly had counselling which seemed a lot of umming and ahhing from the therapist and it didn't get me anywhere, i felt after maybe 2 or 3 sessions that i didn't wanna talk anymore i wanted to resolve.

i'm now having CBT and although it is hard work it is beginning to really click and work wonders for me.

good luck :) also, drink lots of water, sounds simple but may help the light headed-ness

yeah talking about how I feel , uh dont like that as i want to be DOING something not just talking about it! CBT would be much better :)