View Full Version : Four Wisdom Teeth Removal Tomorrow - I'm panicking

29-11-10, 17:01
I'm getting all four wisdom teeth out tomorrow morning. My anxiety levels are sky rocketing all day. Please if someone has been through it that has an anxiety disorder please give me some calming words


29-11-10, 20:04
Good for you. I should have had mine out 10 years ago but kept putting it off due to my anxieties and I've had trouble ever since. They cause me pain and have caused problems with my other teeth. You don't want that.

I know it's an anxious time for you but it will all be over soon and they'll never be there to give you any problems again. Many people have to have their wisdom teeth out so it is a very common and straight forward procedure.

Good luck and this time tomorrow it will all be done :)

29-11-10, 20:19
Hi Soar

I had two wisdom teeth out about 10 years ago and it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. Basically it was over before I knew it and my mouth was that numbed I didnt feel I thing ! Try to to worry to much it will be over before you know it.


29-11-10, 21:07
Never had a general anaestethic either, i'm just terrified to the point of vomiting now. its taken me years to get the courage and i'm terrified now to go through with it. i know i'll be glad when ti's done but it's not too comforting a thought now...

30-11-10, 04:03

I had a wisdom tooth out a few years ago and it wasnt as bad as i thought. It was over very quickly. The worrying before hand is always worse than the actual event

Good luck

mandie x

30-11-10, 04:06
Let us know how you get on. Take care x

30-11-10, 22:17
Well I almost had a panic attack, very embarrassing, before he even got near me to give me the anaestethic and then I just remember them saying take deep breaths and don't remember anymore. I'm feeling quite sorry for myself now cos of the pain and embarrassed over crying so much beforehand in front of everyone in the theatre - at my age!!! 32.

It's done now...forever. I've survived a root canal and now this, so surely this will stand to me with future visits to the dentist and maybe get over my phobia a little bit. Fingers crossed.

Hazel B
30-11-10, 22:23
Don't be embarrassed, it's a nasty op, wisdoms can be deep and hard to remove. I had my first 3 taken out at a dentist and woke up towards the end of the op, not nice! The last one was removed in hospital but I was awake and it was quite brutal.

Make sure you have painkillers ( I had Paracetamol and Ibuprofen together, not more than recommended on the boxes). Also, you may be eating soft food for a couple of days but it will subside.

Well done and take care.

01-12-10, 02:51
Well done..you were sooooo brave!!

03-12-10, 00:48
Thanks guys, i dont' see myself as brave though. i'm still in agony here, and panicking that i'll get an infection or something. trying to keep my anxiety under control cos that surely can't be helping my recovery. cant' help wishing the doc didn't prescribe valium :D

Going home
03-12-10, 00:55
Saor, even without the dreaded anxiety that people here know only too well you did good, believe it. Fear of the dentist is a common fear even with people who don't fear anything else so you did good...be proud :)

Anna xx

03-12-10, 08:02
Hi, please don't worry. I had all four out in hospital in June. It is painful, just make sure you take painkillers and ask them for antibiotics if you are worried about infection. Explain how anxious you are because the nurses and dr's are great and will talk you through everything. You will wake up and feel so good that you have woken up and that it is all over... you can do it and i will look forward to hearing from you when it is all over... ps i took Arnaca which really helped with bruising and swelling. goodluck xx

24-12-10, 04:46
How bad was the swelling afterwards?
well done for getting it done x