View Full Version : Strange Feeling Under Ribs

29-11-10, 18:11
Hi there,

I wonder if anyone else has experience what I am going through at the moment. For about 6 months I have had a feeling of something trapped under my ribs. It comes and goes but this time the feeling has been there for about a week and I have a really bad back ache too around my kidneys.

I have also just come out of an episode of cluster headaches where I had been taking quite a lot of pain killers.

I have had a scan on my side, kidneys and liver and blood tests and everything has come back normal. But of course being a HA sufferer I am convinced they have missed something!

I also suffer from reflux and wonder if this is connected?

Its such an odd sensation, its a cross between pressure and something stuc under my ribs. It's only on my right side too.

I would really appreciate any thoughts.

Many thanks.


29-11-10, 18:36
I think I know what you mean. I've got a lot of tension at the moment and all my back/ribs etc feel 'solid' and very bruised. And yes it does feel as if something under my ribs - but its on my left side. It also feels as if that side has 'moved'. But I know it hasn't and it is all down to tension. Take care :)

29-11-10, 21:12
Thanks Gaaron, I had a feeling it may be stress, it is like I have tensed up and something has got trapped.

Of course I think it is something that will kill me!!

Take care too.

29-11-10, 21:35
This appears to be rather common and being as all your tests are negative I would therefore presume this to be anxiety related!

I have had this for about a year now and have had all the tests and 'exploratory invasions' and all have proven negative.

This could be the 'Old Faithful' IBS rearing it's head. The pain I suffer is more of an ache rather than pain but it still uncomfortable to say the least.