View Full Version : head pain - brain tumor

29-11-10, 18:22
Hi all

I have had a headache for just over a week - it's not a normal headache, more head pain. It is on the left side of my head around my jaw, temple and then down the side to my neck. My neck and shoulder muscles are also really stiff. I also have ear pain, a really clicky jaw and tinnitus.

I know I have been run down over the last week. I have had swollen glands (and still do a bit), a sore throat and felt really tired. My husband has had a similar thing and my daughter is just getting over an ear infection.

I went to the doctors today and she said my glands were swollen and my left ear was blocked.

I have had episodes like this 3 or 4 times before and they have lasted months. A couple of years ago when I had it, I saw an ENT specialist to check the tinnitus and he said that it was nothing sinister. I know this is the same as before but I am worrying that it is the start of brain tumor or an acoustic neuroma.

There is a Mum at school with a child the same age as my eldest who has an inoperable brain tumor and this has made me feel anxious.

Please help - any advice

29-11-10, 19:40
let me reassure you by telling you that pain is the least likely symptom of a brain tumour.

you say yourself you have had this before and so it is only anxiety telling you it is something else. it will also not help if you are fighting a virus - that will make tension pain (which it sounds as if this is) worse. my jaw is stiff on one side and i get pain on that side and all around my eye which can last months at a time. you will be fine!

29-11-10, 19:47
Head pains are very common at this time of year whilst our bodies are battling to readjust to the cold, cold weather. Not knowing it, it is easy to tense up so much from the moment you wake up to the moment you go back sleep, and this causes head pains. A friend of mine calls it 'brain freeze'

29-11-10, 19:52
that's really true! i have a lot of headaches after being out in the cold!

29-11-10, 20:49
Some of your symptoms sound like TMJ, thats where you clench your jaw really tight and you dont really notice that you are doing it, i do it really bad in my sleep when i am tense. It can leave you with lots of horrible symptoms like earache and a clicky jaw and jaw and neck pain. Its nothing serious and can be helped by wearing a mouth guard at night (provided by the dentist)