View Full Version : How can i get over my sickness phobia?

29-11-10, 22:19
i suffer with a really really bad phobia of being sick and having diahrea.
Ive had this really bad since all my anxiety started about 3 years ago, however i have always had a bit of a phobia of being sick/having diahrea but since i got anxiety it has become extremely worse.

its unbearable - i love winter time but i also dread it cause its the main time when stomach bugs are going around. And the phobia takes over me and controls me, i wont go out to places where there is loads of people and i wont get food from any restaurants or take aways, i will always be cleaning and washing my hands in pure hot water untill they are red and sore and come up in a big rash that stings.
I get scared of eating and drinking incase the food or water is contaminated with a bug.

it will constantly be in my head, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep.
Sometimes if im really worried that im going to have diarhea i will refuse to go to the loo just in case.

Also, if im going to stay with someone, or moving house or staying in a hotel etc, i have to make sure i like the bathroom, and it has to be nice not horrible and old just incase im sick or have diarhea there. If the bathroom is horrible then that will worry me and then the worrying will automatically make me nauseas and i will panic.

Does anyone else have this? its weird because im 19 weeks pregnant but i never once got scared about having morning sickness.

please help

30-11-10, 09:43
Aww I was the samefor years had a really bad grip one untill it controled my life I would only eat certain foods don't eat take away I don't drink achol at all still don't, it was in my head non stop all day and night,

Like u I was pregnant I have just had my 4th child and nevrr had morning sickness.

I used to hate winter and all the bugs if my kids where ill I would run a mile panic and shake couldn't deal with it.

Don't know how it went that did but now it has cane about something else and I worry about that now.

I havr been aneriox as well through it

I did go to councelling.

Pm me if u want any adive

30-11-10, 09:43
Aww I was the samefor years had a really bad grip one untill it controled my life I would only eat certain foods don't eat take away I don't drink achol at all still don't, it was in my head non stop all day and night,

Like u I was pregnant I have just had my 4th child and nevrr had morning sickness.

I used to hate winter and all the bugs if my kids where ill I would run a mile panic and shake couldn't deal with it.

Don't know how it went that did but now it has cane about something else and I worry about that now.

I havr been aneriox as well through it

I did go to councelling.

Pm me if u want any adive