View Full Version : Am i having a heart attack? terrified

29-11-10, 23:28
ive just got into bed, and ive started getting pains to the left of the centre of my chest, in my ribs on the left and my left breast (could be underneath the breast).

I'm getting short of breath but i am panicking now.

I'm on my own tonight and i'm agoraphobic and people phobic otherwise i'd get help, but i dont know if it's just one of those things.

It only started about 10 minutes ago, it eases off a little then goes worse again.

*edit ive started feeling pain in my back now too in the ribs, on the left still

29-11-10, 23:42
It sounds like anxiety to me but you could call NHS Direct just for reassurance if you wanted to.

29-11-10, 23:42
More likely to be positional, try getting up and walking round a bit.

A heart attack feels like an elephant sitting on your chest, a really heavy crushing pain with nausea usually too as well as breathlessness and maybe feeling clammy.


29-11-10, 23:43
i get that quite alot, minus the boob though lol its just a panic attack/anxiety and yeh call the nhs if your that worried =]

29-11-10, 23:50
hi if you're concerned phone the nhs direct like others have suggested.
you'd get other symptoms too other than the pain, i get a similar shooting chest pain whenever i'm anxious so try not to worry :) you'll be getting short of breath because you're panicking so try to take slow deep breaths in and out and try to think of something that makes you happy.
i hope you feel better soon and feel free to contact me if you need to have a chat, i've had all sorts of aches and pains through my anxiety so i know what you're feeling! :) take care xx