View Full Version : Hello!

30-11-10, 05:25
Hi- I'm Mary, 39, 5 kids, 2 jobs, 3 if you count writing, which I do on the rare occasions it brings in money! I live with my BF in rural TN.

I found this site on a google search about Celexa, which my mother is a very big cheerleader for- she took it for quite a while but had some kind of weird, one in a million side effect and had to stop, but as far as depression/anxiety, she felt it worked better than anything she'd ever taken. Since the problems she ahd are so rare, she thinks I should try it. She's like one of those ads- ask your doctor about.....

I can't ask my doctor bc I'm involved in a custody dispute and I just can't have stuff like that on my record right now.

MY question is this- I've tried several SSRIs in the past- Paxil, Zolft and Lexipro, and the sedation was so debilitating I had no choice but to stop taking them, long before the 6-8 weeks recommended by doctors to "get used to it." I couldn't function, couldn't drive, couldn't work- it was so bad with the Lexipro I sat on the back porch smoking the wrong end of a cigarette for a good five minutes before I realized anything was wrong, and left a pan of water boiling for pasta, and forgot it until the pan had turned into something like lava.

Is the Celexa really likely to be any better? I don't enjoy being anxious and depressed all the time, but I don't have 2 months to lie in bed and "get used to it." Really I don't have 2 days.

Has anyone else had really bad side effects from other SSRIs, and then succeeded with Celexa?

30-11-10, 05:51
Hi maryellen

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-11-10, 05:55
Hi Maryellen,
You do have a busy life :)
Honestly I don't know anything about Celexa. I would suggest you post a question about it on the medication section of the forum as I'm sure there are bunches of members who have first hand knowledge of it.
Welcome to the forum. I know you will find loads of useful info and a great bunch of supportive new friends here.

30-11-10, 17:53
hello and welcome hun. sorry cant help with the medication but hats off to you having 5 children and 3 jobs you sound like a saint!

Vanilla Sky
30-11-10, 22:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x