View Full Version : Stop reading the papers

30-11-10, 08:53
I find that reading the papers can be a real kickstart to feeling anxious, especially the really sensationalist ones like the Daily Mail.

My anxiety goes through the roof in the hours/days after reading a story of people who have gone nuts and done something really bad. I often think afterwards 'Could that be me someday?'.

Also, these papers of full of stories such as 'I had a cold for 3 months, I couldnt shake it off. Now I have been diagnosed with Sceptucal Liphyosemia and have only 3 minutes to live' and other ridiculous stories.

I think we should all realize that these papers are designed to scare and frighten and make the broadest sweeping statements to get people to buy them in the first place. They do nothing to help us in our condition and I find that by ignoring all the doom and gloom in the world (supposedly) I start to feel a lot better within myself and that dark cloud of negativity disperses.

paula lynne
30-11-10, 10:01
Hiya, Ive stopped reading some magazines for the same reasons. Some of the real-life stories are just too awful to contemplate reading it, just the title of the story is enough for me to have palps!
I know we cant avoid all the doom and gloom in the world, but if we can, its sure to help our state of mind.

30-11-10, 11:20
I agree - the sensationalist press is just the pits and needs to be ignored. I don't go near any of it for this reason.

30-11-10, 11:32
I too stopped reading papers and felt much better, although i went to see a mental health nurse and told them that this was a good way for me to feel better and they advised me to expose myself to reading the newsaper again, i didnt take this advice and still do not read the papers and i also think its the right this to do. Im bad enough as it is without hearing others horror stories.

30-11-10, 11:56
I stopped too .Once I felt better I started reading them again but avoided certain things until I felt able to deal with them rationally .Small steps always work best for me .Sue x

30-11-10, 12:05
The Daily Mail is a joke anyway. It was the newspapers that spread the swine flu scare stories. They feed on scare stories. Blow up everything. If the newspapers hadn't printed the stuff about the swine flu, a lot of people would have got through the winter just fine, instead of worrying themselves sick about it, but as I said, they feed on scaring us. They have no morals, they are out to sell newpapers that's all, and they don't care who they trample on along the way. I guess that's how this world is nowdays.
Rant over..... back to my Ann Summers catalogue.

30-11-10, 12:07
Hi all, Tell you what else winds me up health wise, when I am watching BBC and press the red button to get to the news index and the health section....it sends me in to a panic just reading all the illnesses we may have or get...going to stop doing that as well as the newspapers.

30-11-10, 12:12
ann summers ...:roflmao:Behave yourself Mick .you will get palps reading that chuck ..:blush: Now get back to work ..sue xx

30-11-10, 13:10
I have stopped reading the 'real life' magazines. I have also stopped reading problem pages, I found I was opening up a paper or a mag and flicking straight to the problem pages. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!

30-11-10, 13:37
theres too much doom and gloom in papers and magazines,thats why i dont bother with them,id go nuts otherwise.these stories in mags/papers sells,thats why they put them in,avoiding them is the best thing u can do:D only mag i read is the tv mag,lol!

30-11-10, 14:59
i dont read them if i can help it,but i find if i see a headline in my paper or if im reading news on the internet ,even though i know i shouldnt read it i have to !!

30-11-10, 17:14
I hate the Daily Mail health section but if its there I just have to read it even though I have caught them out so many times in giving totally wrong information healthwise so you would think I could ignore it but I can't.

Perfect example today Daily Mail health section has big article about woman who has terminal bowel cancer - she had spent 4 months with terrible runs and bloating and pain and it then said her cancer was not found with a sigmoidoscopy she needed a CT scan of bowels instead.
In the scare you witless box at bottom of page it said if you had even bright red blood or mucus you need a colonscopy.

I had a colonoscopy two half years ago and was diagnosed with IBS and I often get alot of mucus in with bowel movements and was told when I had the colonoscopy that I didn't need another one for 10 yrs as it takes tht long for a polyp to form and become pre cancerous BUT after reading the Daily mail I am now worrying do I need another colonoscopy.
I am seeing my GP tomorow and am going to ask her about this as I am going back for resutls of stool test - blood tests and fecal occult test as well.

17-01-11, 09:18
Good thread, I've been given similar advice recently. Trouble is, someone put out a paper about 11 years ago (at the turn of the millennium) called the Sunday Planet or something and which focused on positive instead of negative stories. I think it lasted about six weeks :(

Papers print what they do because it sells. Sad but true.