View Full Version : Panic attacks

30-11-10, 09:10
Hi mature female, having huge panic attacks when driving, almost to the point where i pass out, any advice really appreciated, tried medication but didn't suit it, so back to docs for reassessment.:weep:

30-11-10, 09:12
Hi worcester

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-11-10, 09:29
Hi and welcome.

I don’t suffer panic attacks so its hard for me to relate but I do know people that do have panic when driving carry an ‘emergency kit’ with them for when they have an attack. A kit containing the things that you can use for your specific scenario. Might be a bag in case you are hyperventilating, a drink of choice(not alcohol), Bachs remedy, that type of thing.

What meds were you on that didn’t agree with you?
Are you normally a confident driver?

30-11-10, 10:22
Hi thanks for the reply, i normally carry bachs remedy and a bottle of water, i'll add a paper bag too now - i'm normally confident when driving, doc put me on seroxat (paroxetine) had sickness, dizziness, palpitations with them - feeling better now that i've stopped taking them, back to doc's for review this week.

30-11-10, 13:02
hi worcester,

I keep a tin of sweets - bachs in the car just in case.

30-11-10, 16:41
I'll put Bach's sweets in my bag too now. Thanks.

30-11-10, 21:36
Hi and welcome, I suffer as you do when Im faced with a traffic jam Im ok as long as it keeps moving,I keep in the slow lane when I see red tail lights ahead as it makes me feel that I can pull over onto the hard shoulder if need be.
I keep chocolate and a magazine to read in the car to distract me (only when stationary of course!!)
Good luck