View Full Version : Does anxiety ever make you fear.........

30-11-10, 12:48
What if I can't take this and I think of killing myself??? I feel like I have been thinking about that for the past couple days and it's put me in an intense panic! I feel like im not even in my own body because dying is my biggest fear so how am I having this thought?!?!?!? Please tell me it will go away!!

30-11-10, 12:52
constant anxiety is overwhelming and I sometimes have thoughts similar to yours. It will go away once the anxiety is at a managable level and you feel you can cope. Just remember, they are only thoughts, and obv not something you will ever act on, as like you said, you are terrified of death. Please try not to worry about these thoughts, they will not harm you and will pass with time xx

30-11-10, 22:25
this is one of the most disturbing thoughts, i completely know where you're coming from. my biggest fear is also death, to the point where if someone even mentions it i have to leave the room and have to ask them not to. anyway, im the last person who would wanna kill myself because of that fear but i have had these thoughts. it was like "what if i go mad, lose control and end up killing myself?!!" these thoughts are not suicidal thoughts and they don't mean that you want to kill yourself, it's anxiety playing cruel tricks on you. these thoughts will stop i promise just try to see them for what they are, random thoughts that flit into you're head. and remember, thoughts AREN'T facts. lots of love. you will be ok xxx

01-12-10, 11:57
I understand because I've been there. I would never EVER do anything like that to myself, but a few times it's popped into my head. It's almost like the thought wasn't my own and then I completely PANIC about it. Just rememer, thoughts are just thoughts unless you act on them. Try and remind yourself it's just a thought and you are safe.