View Full Version : Hello everyone. New to No More Panic.

30-11-10, 13:28
Hello to everyone on this website,

I am sorry to hear about the suffering and struggle people are going through in their lives.

I have been struggling with health anxiety issues over 6 months now.

It started with palpitations and breathlessness and I immediately panicked (is this a heart condition). Fortunately the heart tests came back fine.

But I still felt that something was wrong, I still had symptoms.

I thought maybe I had a lung disorder, then a liver disease and I persisted seeing my GP who at first did tests (which came back normal) then managed to get me a course of CBT.

I recently began experiancing off balance and lightheadiness and hoped my GP would investigate it. His response was "let's treat the anxiety first, then I'll deal with whatever's left afterwards".

So he wanted to put me on AD Citalopram 20mg. What a mistake.. I only took three pills and by day 3 had a constant ringing in my ears (tinnitus) which hasn't subsided! I now couldn't care less about the previous symptoms I have experianced!!

I went back and asked him about why this has happened, but he wasn't forthcoming with any answers!

When will this end? I want my life back.

All the best to everyone.



30-11-10, 13:47
Hi Marsh, are you still taking the Citalopram?

30-11-10, 14:24
hi Marsh, some doctors don't have a very good manner when it comes to anxiety thankfully after seeing three doctors, My own doctor was understanding and kind. She informed me Citalopram takes four to six weeks to get into your system, she also said it would get worse before it got better. She was right, i considered not taking them but perservered. I have been taking mine seven weeks and feel alot better. This is also my first bout of anxiety and hopefully my last. Stick with it, if you dont feel satisfied go back to G.P they may prescribe something that suits you. As you know some medicines work for some but not for others. Good luck you will get there, this is a fantastic website.

30-11-10, 15:02
hi marsh1973

30-11-10, 17:09
Thank you all for the welcome.

I have had my confidence knocked by my first experiance on the medication.

I may eventually pluck up courage though.

Something's got to give, if not for me then for my families sake.