View Full Version : smear test fear

30-11-10, 13:45
Hi all,
I've got a smear test on Thursday and I'm having a total panic about it. The last two I've had (12 months ago and 18 months ago) were fine but the one I had two years ago was abnormal. It all reverted back on its own and as I say the last two since were okay. The last couple of months I've been having thrush on and off - I was meant to have the smear a month ago but cancelled as the thrush wasn't nice and I didn't want to be poked around as I felt it may give a false reading (which my doctor then told me it wouldn't and she told me I still have to have it done which I know of course!)

I've just really wound myself up and I'm so scared, I don't like the test as I always seem to tense up and it makes it worse...the last time the nurse was a bit rough with me and I felt really icky. I don't think it helps that I had a swab test in August to diagnose the thrush so it feels like I'm always at the doctors being tested!

My fiance told me not to be scared because even if it comes back as abnormal it doesn't mean I have to have anything done but I'm absolutely terrified of the prospect of maybe needing a colposcopy. I faint and pass out when I feel any kind of pain - not so much because it's painful but because I imagine what is being done and it keels me over.

Just want some words of advice from anyone who may have been through a similar situation. I guess I should be glad that I have gone back for my last two tests and they were clear but I think the fact I've had thrush has freaked me out.

30-11-10, 14:26

My 2nd ever smear came back with borderline changes a couple of weeks ago and I need another in 6 months. Like you I am worried that it will be worse than borderline and I'll need a colposcopy or I'll have cancer. It is a bit worrying, but you should be fine if your last 2 were normal. I find the best thing is to be upfront and rational:

Yes, if I need a colposcopy I will be scared and nervous.
But would I risk not having a smear test, just incase they find something and I need a colposcopy?
Because ending up with cancer would be far worse than any preventative treatment could be.

So by that logic I have to go for my next test, and I have to stay calm whilst I wait for the results. The alternative is to not go at all, or to go and waste weeks panicking about it. Just keep calm, rational and make sure you go to that appointment!!

p.s. I have had friends who have had colposcopy's who were fine afterwards and said it wasn't painful, just uncomfortable like the smear.

30-11-10, 19:46
I think I've just made the fatal error of reading about everything on google for the last two days...colposcopies sound so painful, I'm terrified of needles to the point that I always pass out without fail whenever I have any kind of injection. The thought of a possible injection down there....I can't even think about it as it brings me out in a sweat even now.

My fiance said because the last two were clear why on earth would I think this one is going to be bad...I guess it's almost like I've had a good year this year apart from getting thrush three times over (which is doctor confirmed it's not just me guessing) and it would be too good for me just to get another clear result and then get to go back to normal three year screening.

I know this may sound ridiculous but it's how my mind works and I've literally been in tears this evening because I'm so so scared of an abnormal result and having to go to hospital. I'm bad enough with a standard smear test as it feels so uncomfortable and a colpo is 10 minutes!!!

30-11-10, 20:54
Hey i had a colposcopy in April and i can honestly say it wasnt painful at all, infact i have had more painful smears. I didnt feel the local anesthetis at all. I know how you feel just recently i have more smears and swabs and also find them embarrasing. I just try and pretend that im not there even if that does make me seem quite rude to the dr/nurses!

Try not to worry about something that isnt likely to happen, you have had 2 clear smears and they dont so colposcopys untill the changes are moderate or severe so if your last 2 are fine then im sure you wont need one. PM me anytime if you wanted any more details.


30-11-10, 21:59
Ok, I know how scared you must be, but if you have had your last two come back as normal then you have nothing to be scared of. I was to infact scared right before going to my yearly pap smear and before i even went in I googled and made me think I had cervial cancer, so I went in for my yearly check up, and I did get a call to come in cause I had low grade cells, I freaked out, then had to go in again in 6 months cause the Doctor said usually the cells go away on there own, like 90% chance so I was freaken out again, but I though ok them are good odds, so 6 months later went back for another pap smear and low grade cells again, I even talked to my sample that was taken and said be good, well it didn't listen. I had to go for a colposcopy at the hospital with a Gyno, and all it is is a microscoop thingy to look closer and it was just like pap but a little longer. He then told me all looks pretty good, he then said you just need a pap again in a year. I was very relieved after that was done!!! Good Luck! Hope all is well and just try and relax, I know easier said then done! :hugs:

01-12-10, 11:35
Hey i am really sorry i have mislead you a bit there, you do not need local anesthetic with a colposcopy i had to have some treatment after having the colposcopy. Sorry about that!

01-12-10, 12:23
Hi Mary that's okay - so the LLETZ, did it hurt at all, or is it a case of once you have had the injection that's it? How long is the procedure? xx

tracey c
01-12-10, 13:00
Hi, just wanted to say I had a colposcopy a couple of years ago and it wasnot painful at all. The day after I had a slight stomach ache like a period pain and that was it. Because I had that abnormal smear, they do a smear test on me every year now which I think is great as three years is a long time. In fact last year they said I could go back to 3-yearly as they'd been clear for a few years and then that one came back abnormal, was repeated and was fine! Because of that I'm staying on yearly smears. Please don't worry, it's good that they check up on these things. It may be embarrassing but I always think I'm glad I'm not the nurse looking at womanly bits all day long!!!
Take care:)

01-12-10, 14:01
hiya i had a colposcapy last march and then had lazer treatment after it wasnt that bad at all ,the colposcapy didnt last that long and i didnt find it as uncomfortable as my smear. the treatment i had after was a little painful but nothing to bad the nurse just kept chatting tho me as the consultant did the proceedure. i really had to push for my smear as i was only 19 but had been having problems since the birth of my son it was lucky i did as i had cin 2 which was easily treated after but if it had been left could have been a lot worse i now have to have a smear every 6 months which can be embarrasing but all i think is i would rather have any abnormal changes ditected early than when it is to late. just try to reassure yourself by having your smear your looking after your body the best way you can xx

01-12-10, 22:18
HI the lletz wasnt painful, like i said i didnt even feel the local anesthetic, its slightly uncomfortable but is no way anymore painful than a normal smear, in fact my last smear was probably a little more painful. Just awaiting the results any day now so fingers crossed! x