View Full Version : vision problems

30-11-10, 18:48
Hi all,

I've posted something similar before, but I was I wondering if anyone else gets this? On and off I get blurred vision in one eye. I also get headaches just above the eye and the bottom of the eyeball has been a bit blood shot for a few weeks. I work on a computer all day and am on one at home most of the night. I got about 7ish hour sleep a night. Yesterday and today I started looking at things on the computer and the started getting smaller and bigger etc, not a lot but very noticeably.

Does anyone have any ideas what it might be or have similar things? You can obviously think what I'm thinking!

Please reply, thanks!

30-11-10, 20:01
I would say go to the optician - if you're on a computer that amount of time each day it sounds to me like you need glasses! It is possible just to have one weak eye. I have one, things would seem blurry every so often and my bloodshot eyes turned out to be eye strain. The pain in one eye is where the eye was straining and overcompensating. Honestly please don't sit there and fret, just go to the optician and the worst news you'll receive I bet you will be you have to shell out a couple hundred quid on glasses. Please don't jump to conclusions as the eyes are such sensitive things and 99.99% of the time it's cos you need glasses.

30-11-10, 20:12
I also forgot to add that the same eye sometimes waters a lot at night when I watch tv in bed.

30-11-10, 20:13
It also sometime feels itchy from time to time

01-12-10, 11:35
this morning it felt dry and a bit sore. I've been having a few late nights this week. Could it be lack of sleep?

01-12-10, 13:20
eye problems are very common with anxiety. I am constantly touching my eyes, rubbing them etc. Dry eyes can occur as a result of eye strain from looking at a monitor, because your eyes are fixated on just one point. Its easy to say 'stop looking at the computer so much' but when the computer is your life, as in my case, thats very hard. Sometimes I think that losing my PC would be like losing my right arm.
To combat eye strain, focus on something green, because it relaxes the eye.

02-12-10, 11:40
I've booked an appointment at the optician to have my eyes checked, but now I'm really worried about going incase he finds something really wrong with me.

I hate HA and wish it would go away!!!!!!!