View Full Version : Drooping Eyelid - should I be worried?

30-11-10, 19:59
Ok, so for 4 months now I've had a slightly drooping left eyelid. Sometimes it doesn't even droop, but it always feels like it's drooping, like the muscles are weak around the eyelid. I've had slight blurred vision out of that eye on a couple of days but I wear soft contacts and sometimes I just get that anyway.

The other week I mentioned it to my GP and he's given me a blood test for MG, but the results are taking ages and he said it could take another month.

With MG, apparently the eyelid gets worse as the day progresses, but with me, it is worse when I first get up - especially if I've had alcohol the night before.

Googling it doesn't give me any benign explanations, according to Dr Google it could be from injury to the nerve (no), an aneurysm, a brain tumour, an eye tumour or MG.

I have always had problems on that side of my face, nosebleeds on that side, headaches are invariably on that side and when my nose gets blocked that side is worst affected.

So naturally my health anxiety is screaming impending stroke at me, and I face a wait until maybe after Xmas til my GP can discount MG and explore another avenue.

Has anyone had this, and if so what did it turn out to be? If it was something nasty, I don't want to know!!!!!!!!!


30-11-10, 21:12
Are you absolutely sure your eyelid is drooping - a lady I worked with seemed to have one eye that was suddenly smaller than the other and she said it was her eyelid drooping - this went on for months and seemed to get more noticeable and she could not get an explanation out of her GP. Then I started training as an advisor for thyroid info charity and found out that in thryoid eye disease one eye gets bigger which makes the other eye look smaller or eyelid drooping but its an illusion. I have to say that this does not come and go its constant. I told my workmate and she told her Dr who said she had not even thought about thyroid eye disease but lo and behold she tested her thryoid and she had very overactive thryoid and thyroid eye disease as well ( two go toghether) she had treatment for her thyroid problem and her bulging eye went back to normal so matched the other eye. You may have had your thyroid checked recently and if so just ignore my post! But if not its worth getting it checked to rule this weird side effect out.