View Full Version : hydrocortisone injection

jaded jean
01-12-10, 07:10
Can anyone help me on this please?
Lasy friday I had a cortisone jab for my plantar fasciitis(policemans heel) the first couple of days were ok - a bit painful but accepatable. Monday I had the classic symptoms of a uti- constant weeing-abdo pain- headache.-then I was getting heart racing and awful palpitations as well which thankfully I never really suffered with much I spoke to doctor- she said it sounds like a uti and I got anti biotics.
I have read recently tho there are side effects from the jab that are similar to this and it can last for weeks- On top of it all my fliippin heel still hurts.
I hope someone can give some insight to all this as I dont want full blown anxiety back again. I was first ill this time last year and I am so scared about it coming again.
thanks all:doh:

01-12-10, 08:50
Hi Jean

I had to have a hydrocortisone injection in my shoulder a few years ago, but I don't recall having any particular side effects from it, so I suppose that's not much help!!

jaded jean
01-12-10, 09:08
Hi Blue Angel.
No thats fine its because I seem to be having various aches and pains and whatever happening at once and am getting a litle concerned thats all. Thanks for your input anyway x

01-12-10, 09:19
I had hydrocortisone injections in my elbow many years ago, spent the rest of the day and night in abject agony – I have never before or since experienced pain like it. Then for a week I was unable to move my elbow and generally felt dreadful. My doc assured me I could not possibly have had a reaction to the drug but could offer no other explanation.:shrug:

Roll on about fifteen years I got plantar fasciitis and my new practice doc said ‘hydrocortisone injections will sort that’ guess what I said?:lac: I got inserts for my shoes, they are jelly like affairs that go in your shoe that your heel rests on. I also had a couse of acupuncture. Now I have to say the acupuncture was uncomfortable although the practitioner did say it would be, apparently its one of the few areas that can smart a bit when using needles because it is a hard dense area, anyway cleared up after about four weeks and has been fine since (about twelve years).

In the sixth form at school one of the options is human biology and we have a great sixth form centre resources department and get a lot of medical literature at our disposal and I did read recently that doctors are shying away from injections in favour of courses of anti inflammatory drugs

jaded jean
01-12-10, 13:06
Hi Groundhog.
I should have taken the shoe inserts option but I was so adamant about having this damned injection- you know the be all and end all of everything.
5 days on and its still hurting and I feel like pants.My anxiety is raised and still having palpitations:scared15: my appetite has gone south so fed up with it:mad: