View Full Version : Headaches. All the time.

01-12-10, 10:26
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice? I get a lot of headaches which vary in location, feeling and intensity. I have this mild pressure on the right side of my head which has been more noticeable over the past couple of days. I also have a slightly swollen artery on my right temple. It doesn't hurt or anything.

The pressure kinda goes from my right eye and it feels like it's on the outside of my head, like just below the skin. It's really scaring me.

01-12-10, 11:46
Have you tried hot baths or head massages? It really does sound like tension headaches to me hun, I get pressure on the left side of my head a lot too. You could try putting some lavander oil on your temples before bed, or a bit on your pillow. How are you sleeping latley?

I told you about my ex and the vein on his head yesterday too. It's true lol :p Remember the doctor told you you're fine, hold on to that. xx

Oh, forgot to add the pressure in the left side of my head goes around my eye, up my face and towards the back too, like somethings crawling jus under the skin is horrible. x

01-12-10, 12:11
Have you tried hot baths or head massages? It really does sound like tension headaches to me hun, I get pressure on the left side of my head a lot too. You could try putting some lavander oil on your temples before bed, or a bit on your pillow. How are you sleeping latley?

I told you about my ex and the vein on his head yesterday too. It's true lol :p Remember the doctor told you you're fine, hold on to that. xx

Oh, forgot to add the pressure in the left side of my head goes around my eye, up my face and towards the back too, like somethings crawling jus under the skin is horrible. x

That's exactly what it feels like lol. I'm having difficulty getting to sleep lately. I get headaches in bed and panic attacks and stuff. Also, I spend like 5 minutes in the bath, they're really triggering for anxiety to me.

Thanks :) x

01-12-10, 12:38
Lack of sleep can cause headaches the same as too much sleep hun. So with your tension and you're lack of sleep I think we found the answer to your headaches! Baths used to trigger me too so don't worry about that, I used to get horrible ectopics when I was in the bath. I'm ok now though so I'm livin proof it fades :)

Try the lavander oil for a better nights sleep and if you can't get someone to rub your head for you, do it yourself gentley, just above your ears, around your temples and both hands at the back of your head just gentley for a bit. Hope you feel better soon x

01-12-10, 12:42
The headaches are different types, intensity and location. They can be pressure, stabbing or aches. But thank-you Emma, you're awesome. :D x

01-12-10, 13:22
Do you listen to loud music through the headphones?

01-12-10, 13:34
Hi, i suffered with really awful headaches when my anxiety problems began. I was convinced it was a tumour or something ( even paid for a private mri). the headaches have now really decreased as my anxiety has shiffted its focus. I think the more you focus on them, the worse they get. I definetly think mine were tension related, still get them from time to time now but worry me a lot mess. I also have swollen arterys on my temples, you dont think you grind your teeth by any chance do you? My dentist said i have TMJ and since i have been using a mouth guard at night the headaches have got a lot better x