View Full Version : esophagus pain

01-12-10, 12:28
I am a long time sufferer of HA, GERD and IBS. I am also a long time user of tobacco. I have been on GERD drugs for many years and have only occassional heartburn. Out of the blue about 4 days ago, I started having terrible pain behind my breastbone when I swallowed or even belched. At first I thought it was something to do with my GERD but it has been going on for four days and I have been really carefull not to eat anything spicy, drink alcohol or use tobacco. It isn't getting any better. I am 39 and freaking out over this. I can't afford a trip to the doctors and I don't know what to do. Please help.

01-12-10, 13:49
This pain is really starting to scare me. I can't swallow without it really hurting.

01-12-10, 15:17
Sorry to be a pain but I am really scared, has anyone ever had this type of sharp pain when swallowing and it not be a tumor?

01-12-10, 16:03
Sorry no one has answered yet it may be most are at work because of the time of day here. All I can say is my Father died of cancer of the oesophagus and he had no pain what so ever and the docs said this was not unusual for that type of cancer. His symptoms were progressively finding it difficult to swallow (Food/drink not staying down) and later coughing blood, apparently these were tex book symptoms. Are you sure the discomfort is not in your breast bone itself? This is a fairly common problem called costochondritis were the soft cartilage in the rib – sternum join gets inflamed.

01-12-10, 16:47
I suffer from gerd. I have times, that can last up to a week where i get a real intense pain behind my breast bone after ive eaten or drunk something cold.
I also have costochondritis and as groundhog said this can cause the pain you are getting too. It mainly affects the junction between the ribs and the chest bone and anything can aggravate it.

01-12-10, 17:06
Thank you for the responses. i am sure this is swallowing related as the pain is very sharp and only occurs after I drink or eat something. I have dealt with costochondritis type pain this is not it but I do appreciate the alternative suggestions. I just fear that this is a tumor and it is all over for me. If anyone else has experience with this, please let me know.

01-12-10, 17:18
it sounds as if your oesophagus has become inflamed - hence - the pain is only when something goes past the inflamed area. can you take more of your reflux medication - perhaps double it up for a few days? x