View Full Version : Newbie

01-12-10, 15:18
Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum.

I've been taking Citalopram since Friday, i've experienced some side effects mostly nausea, loss of appetite and headaches.

My GP put me on these as i'm burnt out, and finding it hard to cope. For the past 10-15 years i've been carrying so much baggage and its hard to believe that the last time I completly felt fine was when I was 10, i'm 26 now.

The main problem in my life unfortuantly is my mum, from the age of 10 she has made me life and the life of my father, and siblings hell.

She was very unfortunate to lose her dad, my beloved grandpa 16 years ago and suddenly she swtiched to completly different person.
She was then ill with cancer and then diagnosed with a life altering disease.

As a family we supported her the best we cud do, loved her and looked after her. And we were repayed with emotional abuse.
Its hard to write this as your probably thinking poor woman, but you did live the 16 years of hell that I had to.

The constant bullying, guilt tripping, blackmail,threats, manipulation and worst of all the feeling that your nothing! Constant arguing, screaming and even throwing stuff at you.

She still does it today :weep: our relationship has rele taken a hit as I can't let go of all the horrible years and find it rele difficult to communicate with her.

I've always sympathesed for the hand she was dealt but she much better now cancer free, altho still struggling with the other medical condition she was given more time unlike some people and shes wasting it.

The impact of the 16 years has rele taken its toll on me as my main flaw is the constant need to please people and worry all the time :(

So much I just feel hopeless and completly worthless xxx

01-12-10, 15:20
Hi sop84

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-12-10, 15:25
Thanks Diane :D

01-12-10, 18:18
Hi sop84

Oops it brings it all back. I completely understand.......it's good you can get it off your chest here.

01-12-10, 21:10
Hey Man!
Don't despair! You've got the rest of your life in front of you Man! My Mom had senile dementia... She used to go up and down on her stairlift, about twenty times per hour! It was murder man! As well as that, she also planked all the teaspoons in the house! She also forgot her name thought she wasn't where she thought she should be? It was a nightmare... I got severely depressed and anxious... A Panic Attack is not a funny thing! SHIT!

Kerry B
01-12-10, 21:19
:welcome: aboard to NMP, hope you find this site as useful as I have, its been my life saver. All the Best Kerry x

02-12-10, 08:40
Thanks guys for that welcome :D

Finding the board rele informative and supportive xx

carla g
02-12-10, 09:04
hi hun im on the 5th week of cits and it does help im already feeling abit back to my old self the first few weeks are hard but you will feel better just give it time x

03-12-10, 11:55
Feeling panicky and anxious today :unsure: Nearly a whole week on Cit but feeling crappy, hoping the good affects will kick in soon xx

03-12-10, 12:25
Welcome to the forum, your tablets will help, just give them a bit more time. Ive been on citalopram for nearly 5 weeks and am starting to feel better.:)

03-12-10, 12:32
Thanks Paula. Just feeling jumpy and on edge. Can't wait for the weekend so I can be at home and hopefully relax. Its hard focusing at working atm on these tablets xxxx