View Full Version : Chest pain driving me bonkers

01-12-10, 15:37
Hi all

This is my first post so, I'll throw in a bit of background.

I'm a 25 yo male. Gave up smoking 3 months ago, smoked around 4 packs a week for 6 years.

Since my little boy was born last year, ive been having mild panic attacks before falling asleep, usually as I think about the inevitable end and various other things)

About 8 weeks ago I had a chest infection (my partner and son also had bad coughs) and I was really heavily sick one morning. The infection cleare up but With in a few days of this I started getting really sharp pains in the right side of my chest, between my nipple and sternum. The sharp pains would come on when I breathed in deep, looked to the right or bent over to put socks on. The doctor told me it was costochondritis, which is a fair diagnosis. The pain was when I moved and there was sensitivity on pressing my ribs

Now 9 weeks later, the sharp pains on breathing have gone, and I'm left with a dull ache in pretty much the same place. Sometimes I get a sharp twinge where the ache is.

Since stopping smoking my asthma has gotten worse, so I was referred to a pulmonary nurse, and I blew my best peak flow for years, which was nice. I'm trying my best o control the asthma ad I should have been doing, but when I smoked it was never a problem.

I can't stop clearing my throat at the moment, and I have a slight tickle cough which isn't productive, clearing the throat tends to being something up but I just swallow it.

It feels like my throat is swollen up, but after a visit to the dentist, se wasn't worried. She said I had a flap of flesh on my uvula and slightly asymmetric tonsils but nothing to worry about.

I can't help thinking I have something really wrong with me, but I'm positive it's a mix of anxiety, smoking cessation (I've also packed in caffeine and chocolate adsI have chronic gerd which I'm taking ppis for) I cat stop feeling for lymph nodes, thinking I have aches ad fever, I'm always tired.

My wife says I've been sleeping silently for the first time since she's known me.

My skins been terrible, and I'm compulsively poking my chest every 5 minutes. Urgh. It really is a vicious circle. Google is partly to blame as it give me symptoms to hunt for. Im thinking I have jaundice at the minute, how ridiculous is that!

Anyway, sorry for the rant. It's the chest pain I'm worried about, although 3 doctors, a nurse and a dentist have zero reason to think there's anything wrong. Paracetamol takes the edge off the pain, and ibuprofen disagrees with me. Heat helps, and it worsen either when I think about it or I'm active. Sometimes I feel it in my back. It doesn't Hirt to breath any more although I feel a pull when I cough, and I get spasms around the area.

Any views are much appreiated. I guess I just need to sort the underlying anxiety to start


Ps, sorry for the spelling errors, my fingers are too pudgy for touch screen phones hehe

01-12-10, 16:18
Costochondritis can take a while to shift especially if you can’t take anti inflams because thats what it is an inflammation. We never believe our docs do we:) but that’s anxiety for you. Also I would think your lungs are still recovering from the smoking. I know some results of stopping smoking are instant but from my knowledge getting your lungs back into a non smokers condition takes some time and I would recon they are going to complain about the change. Some of what you say my sister is suffering as she is given the fags up – dry skin, cough and she’s irritable. Trust your doc and stick with it it will get easier.

01-12-10, 17:15
It's crazy, because I do generally believe the doctors, and I've seen 3, but I believe them for as long as my head allows, which is about 24 hours. I actually gave up smoking because I was sick of having constant reflux. I half think I might have damaged something down my oesophagus which is causing the discomfort. I've taken pretty radical steps to curb the gerd, diet overhaul, zero coffee or caffeine, so sweets etc. It's much more bareable now, but at one point my chest and throat was burning all day, and everything would set it off. One doctor years ago just told me to put 2 bricks under my head end of my bed to raise it. I thought of other things I'd rather do with two bricks