View Full Version : waking with racing heart

01-12-10, 16:04
hi i am 36 and suffered panic attacks for 2o years but over the last few years they have been happening at night time while i am asleep. a few nites ago i woke up about 3am and my heart was racing the first feeling i had was i could feel it in my throat .My pulse was 145 per/min i starte to sweat and felt i couldnt catch my breath.I tried for 30 minutes to get it down but it wouldnt calm down as i was so scared the fear was prob keeping it up too .I called a ambulance and they came out my bp was 170/112 then fell to 160/105 .my pulse was 155 when they got here, they told me to blow hard while i closed my nose an mouth and that seemed to bring it down to 120 ,then it started to come down to 90 .Then i felt better so it came right down.They gave me a heart trace an said it was panic attack again.Then last night i woke up an it was doing the same 145 beats and i was sweating i got in a state but this time i did what they told me to do blow hard with my nose and mouth closed and it worked.These attacks usually only happen to me every few months but lately they are happening all the time .The last time i had a ecg done was about 3 months ago an that was during a attack an they also said it was a panic attack.I have been very stressed and anxious lately but why is this happening in my sleep i am now scared to sleep .Is this dangerous and also why does the blowing hard with mouth closed and nose make the heart slow down.thank you kind regards molly

01-12-10, 19:26
Hi Molly, I'm 38 and have suffered with panic attacks since I was 24 when my parents split up and divorced.... I too am having the same symptons as you.....random racing hearts out of the blue and waking in the night. I know I have been particularly stressed lately lots going on with family and my little girl was poorly too, so i guess that has been the trigger for me. I was soo fed up with everything that i went to the docs and she did loads of blood tests for me... everything came back ok except slightly raised colesterol that she didn;t seem too worried about. I explained to her that it was the heart palpatations that bothered me the most, she said to me that my heart was fine as if there was anythig wrong with it they would of found out during my pregnancy (that was 21 months ago) ... she has prescribed my propronol beta blockers which really tend to help me and calm the heart rate down...... when I'm feeling good it's soo easy to rationalise everything but when I go through bads times like recently i find it hard to accept it's just anxiety. Doc said if there was something wrong with my heart I would know about it !!!!! I'm sure that things will settle down with your heart rate........i had a panic attack in the docs two weeks ago and my bp was 169/110 then fell to 150/100... she didn't take it again, she said off you go, you're fine lol............. if only we felt fine eh !! Keep your chin up and take care.

01-12-10, 19:38
The bearing down is called a vagal manuever.
If you find RLR on this site, he will explain further, how and why this works.
I noticed your same post on RLR site Heart Palpitations. Hope you find the help you seek.

01-12-10, 19:54
thank you for your replies .I just am so tire but so scare to sleep now kind regards

01-12-10, 19:57
do you have any chamomile tea, i always have a cup before bed, tends to relax me.... hope you get a better nights sleep tonight.

01-12-10, 20:48
Hi thank you for your replies .yes i have tried herbal teas but no sucsess .Has anyone else tried the vagal maneuver (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&rlz=1I7PCTC_en&&sa=X&ei=IrD2TK3EMorRhAew_tyCBg&ved=0CBYQvwUoAQ&q=vagal+maneuver&spell=1) for a panic attack to slow the heart rate kind regards molly

06-12-10, 17:36
Hi Molly17

I just read your post, I've been going through a similar experience for the past year. Although it's horrible it's nice to know I'm not alone :hugs:

I started waking in the night with so-called 'night terrors', my heart racing and general feelings of panic. This happened on and off for a few months until I went to my GP, I've had nearly every test going (blood tests, a few ECGs, 1 week heart monitor) which have ruled out heart problems which was stressing me out more than anything else to be honest. The monitor did pick up my heart racing during the night which woke me up (156bpm) but i walked around and had a glass of water which calmed it down over half an hour or so. I feel really weak and exhausted the day after these attacks, and find it hard not to panic and have negative thoughts about my health.

I've had to accept that this is all down to stress and anxiety which has been hard....think I developed some HA about heart problems/attack which I'm finding it difficult to shake off. My GP tried to prescribe beta blockers but didn't explain what they were or how they'd help so was a bit wary........am going back soon to get other anti-anxiety meds. I'm due to start CBT soon too, I'm a life-long worrier and have always had anxiety but a recent work situation has brought things to a head and feel that I need extra help. Have you considered meds or counselling of any kind?

I find that eating late and drinking anything more than 4/5 glasses of wine brings on these night palps so I've tried to cut down on alcohol and eat smaller meals. I used to exercise a lot but haven't for a few weeks because of heart anxiety....I'm going to try swimming and yoga this week so fingers crossed it will help. It's stupid I know but I'm worried that doing exercise will cause my heart to stop/have a heart attack because the palps have weakened it.....ive been reassured several times that gentle exercise is the best thing for your heart but that doesn't seem to stop the fear.

I haven't tried the manoeuvre you mentioned, I'll give it a go next time. I find deep breathing and relaxation works to calm down the palps too, Claire Weekes books have been a great help.

Really hope you're feeling better soon, I know how horrible the palps and anxiety are but I guess we have to learn to live alongside them knowing that they're harmless and find the strength to get better.

Sorry for the long post, it's the first time I've posted on the forum.....feels good to let it all out :)

C xx

09-12-10, 10:36
I have been getting this too. Every night for a few weeks though mine isn't as fast as yours. Perhaps only about 110 but I can feel it thumping and I can't seem to calm down. I can't accept there's nothing wrong. I had tests in august but I'm convinced something has happened since then.

09-12-10, 10:40
What I find alarming is if you search that link then it doesn't suggest panic attack, only heart problems.