View Full Version : paranoia

01-12-10, 16:46
right now im paranoid. its making me wanna cry. i dunno why im paranoid but ive just deactivated my facebook account and its made me feel bit better. help

01-12-10, 17:23
Facebook makes me a little paranoid too. It's a very stilted form of communication, sometimes you post something hoping for a response and get nothing, other times something silly gets massive attention.


01-12-10, 17:36
Its just irrational thoughts caused by anxiety .You will feel differently when you are in a better frame of mind .For now avoid Facebook if its making you worse and concentrate on getting better .L;ow self esteem is another major cause of paranoia .You just pick up on the tiniest of things and make them into mountains .Depression and anxiety can cause the same feelings .Once your depression and anxiety is under control you can then work on your self esteem issues .There are lots of good books on this from Amazon .Hope you feel better soon ...t/c Sue x:hugs:

01-12-10, 17:48
You just pick up on the tiniest of things and make them into mountains

Tell me about it! :D:blush:

01-12-10, 22:24
I was paranoid for a long time.... You're right! It's hellish! But then, I suddenly realized that Paranoia is just a state of mind... It's just an irrational fear of things! You're afraid of something that doesn't exist! You can overcome fear because it can't harm you! Just try and be strong! There really is nothing to be afraid of... HONEST!