View Full Version : The Boy Who Cried Wolf

01-12-10, 16:56
Does anyone else feel like the boy in this story?

I have been preoccupied with a slightly droopy eyelid, but today I have had an awful day with really strange symptoms. Basically when I potter around I'm getting real tightness and aching in my chest, shoulders, neck and even head. It feels like my blood vessels are constricted and my heart pounds, it happens if I just walk up the stairs. I've had 2 afternoon naps today because I feel so crap, but when I'm lay down relaxing I GET NO SYMPTOMS. Then as soon as I get up and do something it comes straight back.

Anyway, im starting to feel like it's a new thing every week and I'm sure my doc thinks that too. My wife is starting to even. I feel like the boy who cried wolf.

So I'm not going to the doc about this, I've had a sore throat so hopefully it's just a virus and not heart failure or something.

I'm constantly niggled by the thought of: "what if this is serious though"


01-12-10, 17:20
i had a virus once that when i did anything i felt slightly breathless and my heart pounded. the fact that you ache all over from your chest to your head suggests it to be a virus x

01-12-10, 20:45
if you feel like the boy who cried wolf then im the girl ...
I feel as though as one thng goes another one takes its place.
Started out with awful daily panic attacks that were lasting all day to horrendous anxiety as if there are a million butterflies in my stomach, i just cant get rid of it tonight :weep: and also to add to it i have been suffering awful with trapped wind ( not being able to burp), indigestion, muscle aches, tightness of chest, dry eyes and eye strain and headaches. My other half cant believe how much i have wrong with me, im starting to think im a hypochondriac !!
I often wonder when it will just stop so i can go back to being "normal" even my colleagues at work laugh at me now, if only they knew the daily struggles i had to go through and how many times i have suffered in silence while sitting at my desk.
I dont want to go the docs again as they know me by name now, but what can you do when you feel as though something is wrong ..