View Full Version : take hope everyone

mr badger
01-12-10, 18:52
Yesterday was dreadful No need to go into details but I was in complete hell. As posted before, I had to give the Sams a call a few times.

With my wife's help we finally got a GP to visit. She was brilliant.

I've started on citalopram with a short 'holiday' on 2mg Valium and a sleeping pill (begins with Z, not handy right now for the name).

feeling a bit drugged (no s**t sherlock) but at least human again.

I've just got to stop and realise that after 40 years of this, I can somehow get sorted.

I'll only sign in when I'm feeling OK as I do find the forum a bit overwhelming at the moment.

Thanks for all the messages of support and PMs. I really hope to return the service in a few days.

01-12-10, 18:56
Mr Badger big cuddles:bighug1:onwards and upwards.....x

01-12-10, 18:57
Hello, glad you have seeked help, it's not easy but we have to stay strong and positive, take care :) :)

01-12-10, 19:26
Take care hope you feel better soon


02-12-10, 12:43
Take care Mr Badger, and keep us posted. The sleeping pills might be Zopiclone, if that helps.

mr badger
02-12-10, 17:05
Take care Mr Badger, and keep us posted. The sleeping pills might be Zopiclone, if that helps.

They're the ones. Up to 7.5 and slept 7 hours straight. Bliss, but I wake up very anxious.

Tell me, fellow sufferers, 2mg diazepam 4 times a day - about average for an acute episode? They seem to be effective for about 3 1/2 hours but that may well be my acute introverted awareness at the moment.

Hope the citalopram cut in soon as I don't want to be stuck on diazepam for too long. Day 3 today.

02-12-10, 17:10
yes, I think that would be about normal. My pdoc has suggested I take up to 20mg at the moment, though have never dared take that amount as fear of addiction ( oh i worry about everything!). Though when you are in crisis, I really wouldn't worry and use them if you need to. I know you read many horror stories about them, but they can also really be a life saver when in a crisis. I'm glad things are more positive for you now x

02-12-10, 17:15
Hi Mr Badger

I initially started on diazapam at 2mg 3 times a day, this quickly went up to 5mg and the to 10mg a day until i was taking 30mg a day, they are really addictive. I have since managed to reduce this to 5mg a day and hope to stop soon. Look after yourself and take care.


mr badger
02-12-10, 17:37
Thanks both. a way to go before I need to worry then.

I might be a bit prone to addiction - I did practice, erm, 'applied pharmacology' when I was younger.

Presumably you need to step down as you come off them.

02-12-10, 22:22
i think it depends how long you have been taking them for. According to my psychiatrist, anything less than 3 weeks taking a regular amount will not lead to discontinuation symptoms, but I have heard different things. x

paula lynne
02-12-10, 22:34
Hi Mr B, you should only be taking them for 4-8 weeks, to help you over the acute anxiety. Maybe cut down to twice a day for a bit, see how you feel? Ive been through the addictive stuff, and when anything was stopped or taken away, I always replaced it with other addictive behaviours...diazepam has a very proper place in treating anxiety, just dont become relient on them.x

mr badger
04-12-10, 15:40
Early days yet so I've decided not to worry about the diaewpam. Presumablt as te citalopram cuts in I'll naturally need less.

Doc's on Monday so I can talk through stuff now I'm a bit more lucid.