View Full Version : i feel like im going mad!!!

01-12-10, 19:59
hi i am new to this so here goes, i have had a bad week i keep having constant fear something awful s going to happen to me and im going to die, it keeps going over and over in my mind does any one else get these thoughts :weep:

01-12-10, 20:48
Hi cluck

I'm sorry you're feeling so rot. You are not going to die. But you have come to the right place for support!! :welcome:

01-12-10, 20:52
Hi Cluck, yeah I do get the same thoughts, not so much now since I started to get better, but when I have a bit of a relapse the same thought comes back in to my head, think its very common with panic attacks. You are not alone....far from it.

01-12-10, 21:58
thank you, i just feel no one understands me i am currently takin citalpram but not feeling the benefits yet

01-12-10, 22:40
Hi Cluck, this thought is very common with anxiety. You mentioned you are on citalopram, how long have you been on it for? If you have only started recently it is quite common to have increased anxiety when you start xx

02-12-10, 12:37
Hi Cluck

This sort of thing is really, really common, and I think that loads of us on here have felt like that at some point. I had a really bad spell of it yesterday teatime and it made me feel absolutely awful.

02-12-10, 17:06
thank you i have been on it 3 mnths now, i just want to start feeling the benefits now my children are starting to suffer i dont want them to see mummy like this.I suppose it would be easier if i knew what triggered my panic attacks off x