View Full Version : Gas man coming - What to expect?

01-12-10, 23:43
I know it sounds like a really daft post, but i'm really social phobic and have the Gas Man coming tomorrow to service the boiler and check it's safe.
My fiance will be able to deal with him, and when someone comes over i have a "safe room" when i can go and keep out of the way.
However i'm not sure what will happen? Our boiler is in the kitchen, but will he need to look at all our radiaters in all the other rooms?
My fiance says he might want to check and bleed radiators #9but he's just guessing, he has no idea)

I'm panicking loads about it.

Thank you x

01-12-10, 23:47
No he won't look at the radiators so you can go anywhere else in the house.

Why don't you use this opportunity to try and interact with him though - it is all good practice

Why are you so scared of this can I ask?

01-12-10, 23:50
Thank you. I will try to see him if i feel calm enough, i like to know i have a safe room but i'll try to just be in the lounge watching tv, as you need to walk through the lounge to get into the kitchen.

I'm really people phobic, even with family or people i know well, for no apparent reason as i know i'm safe, i'll just have a panic attack and be sick with anticipation.

02-12-10, 00:47

I feel sort of similar, my home is my safe place and I am really uncomfortable with people I don't know within it. I do have to cope with gas services etc? As your fiancee will be there, think of him as your safe place? Turn this negative into a positive by having a chat with the engineer? Ask him where he has had to come from, how he dealt with the travel conditions? ie: weather. Has he many other calls to make?

Personalising him will make him less scary :) see it as a learning exercise not an ordeal? If it is still difficult you can move rooms as he is working within the house.

Hope it all goes well


02-12-10, 01:01
Hi Moose,

A few years ago I was staying with a friend when she had her boiler serviced. She too had a thing about strange men (yet she trusted me?? :wacko:). He did want to check the radiators, so I told him she wasn’t very well and was in bed and that I’d do the one in her room.

So there’s your get out plan if you need one – just ask your fiancé to make up a similar story.

“I'm really people phobic, even with family or people i know well, for no apparent reason as i know i'm safe, i'll just have a panic attack and be sick with anticipation.”

What if you look at it the other way? Don’t plan to meet him then there’s nothing to worry about. But leave the option open to just – on the spur of the moment – pop your head round the door and say, “Hi!” if you feel like it.

Good luck tomorrow :yesyes:

03-12-10, 14:14
Thank you for your replies. After waiting all morning and afternoon (without much panic:)) Daniel rang British Gas to see where they were but they have had to reschedule. I'm guessing they've been busy with emergencies, so dont have to think about it now for another month:)

03-12-10, 17:24
hi im a gas eng i just check the boiler and the gas meter to make sure you have no leaks