View Full Version : GERD or cancer

01-12-10, 23:50
I am now officially terrified that I have tumor. I am 39, a long time HA'er and I have GERD. For the r days I have had terrible pain when I swallow anything. The pain is right above my stomach. I am a tobacco user and I take nexium for the GERD. Please will someone talk me down? I have been googling all day and I am so scared. I can't afford a trip to the doctor so I need your help.

paula lynne
01-12-10, 23:58
Oh J2, this is what happens when you spend all day googling...you kept feeding and feeding your anxiety. Can I suggest you play some games on here, or go read a book, or take a short walk, call a friend.......you will be fine. Smoking can cause angina type pain/heartburn etc, and sometimes make swallowing difficult as it inhibits the normal production of saliva. Dont google!! x hope you feel better soon xx

02-12-10, 02:38
I appreciate the note but my pain is quite high and I am very scared. I am worried that this a tumor or an infection or something that is fatal.

02-12-10, 02:55
J2 don't ever ever google,

This is what happens, it feeds all the insecurities, amplifies the symptoms, paula is right distraction helps.
Take your mind off the symptoms, it will pass :)


02-12-10, 03:59
Thanks for the notes but this is real pain in my lower esophagus. I can't make it stop. It seems to be getting worse and I am very scared. The question is whether this is deadly or not. Please let me know your thoughts.

02-12-10, 07:51
You asked this question yesterday and i answered it and so did other people but you didnt respond to us.

02-12-10, 11:30
Over here we can consult a pharmacist on medical problems is that an option for you at all? They may recognise the symptoms and be able to recommend something.

02-12-10, 16:06
Thanks to everyone who responded. I don't think a pharmacist over here does much more than fill prescriptions but I could be wrong.

Bailey, sorry if I offended you by posting twice. I never want to offend anyone and sometimes I get a little too self centered when I am in full anxiety mode. Again, sorry if I offended you.

thanks to everyone and hopefully this will go away soon as it is sitll not getting any better.

02-12-10, 16:16
Bailey, sorry if I offended you by posting twice. I never want to offend anyone and sometimes I get a little too self centered when I am in full anxiety mode. Again, sorry if I offended you.

thanks to everyone and hopefully this will go away soon as it is sitll not getting any better.

You didnt offend me at all, i just didnt know if you had read the replies.I was just trying to put your mind at ease by saying that i suffer from this too. My pain is bad at the moment but i know im aggravating it, too much wine:lac: