View Full Version : 2nd time bad reacction, what next?

02-12-10, 06:55
Hi everyone, i'm a newbie here..

Bit of a long story...
3 years ago i suffered from anxiety no depression. After many tests that all returned normal, went onto citalopram, they did make me feel worse but after 2 weeks they took it all away and i returned back to normal. Well after 2.5 years without any anxiety decided to come off them, which i did fine. after about 6 weeks i was a little low and my husband said i was moody (but had no anxiety), so i made the worst decision ever.... i put myself back on them again. Well i knew they would make me feel rough for a few weeks but they brought back anxiety, gave me terrifying depression. The dr said to increase to 20mg citalopram as he said it was me not the side effects. Well, the side effects just intensified even more to the point where i couldn't cope with them all together i gave them 12 weeks and was just getting worse. Went back to see a different dr who said to taper off as soon as possible as they were not working for me. I stopped, the depression lifted immediately and many other side effects went too, but the anxiety has stayed with me and won't go. The dr does not know why i could take them and then couldn't. So my questions for help are why did they work once but then react like that, and should i try another ad as i'm scared it will bring back depression and make me go crazy! but i can't carry on like this need something to help me, am going to the dr's today to ask for another ad, so sorry this is a long post but i just don't understand why they did that to me and have now lost confidence in ad, please any advice!!!!!!!!:)

02-12-10, 07:31
Hmm, i guess trying to come off them and then going back on them , both which can make the side effects worse. But if your husband said you were moody while on them maybe they weren't the right drug for you.

02-12-10, 12:07
Hi Faye, poor you, horrible when something that is supposed to help makes you worse. I had a similar experience, was on escitalopram a number of times over the years and it really helped, this time i went on it... well it made me suicidal due to the high levels of anxiety. I was referred to a psychiatrist and they prescribed mirtazipine as they do not usually increase anxiety when first start. So don't worry, apparently it is very common to react differently to the same meds at different times. Sometimes it takes a few to get the meds right, which i know is exhaustiing and I am in the process of trying different ones now. So good luck and I'm sure things will improve for you xx

02-12-10, 16:18
thank you for your comments, went to dr in 11 inches of snow!! shows how desperate i was..lol
Well he said apart from citalopram the only other ad licensed for anxiety is sertraline..hmm interesting! well i have the tablets but havn't actually swallowed one yet.. just so afraid of them giving me depression and mad side effects.
Suppose i'll never know unless i take them, cos they could also really help me.. why is life full of hard decisions. Would be good to hear from others that have tried these!

02-12-10, 17:48
you might get more replies if you post here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=7