View Full Version : Dimmy - Heart Operation

02-12-10, 10:12
Hello Everyone,

I have recently been told that I need a Heart Operation and its causing me severe anxiety. It seems to have taken over my life and now I cant sleep, my doctor introduced me to No More Panic and said they were good has said there is little they can do personally to help other than offer CBT. I could do CBT but on the NHS it will take me 3 to 4 months to start and private is £50 an hour. Why is it that nobody looks after us in our time of need, dont the NHS see this as important?

02-12-10, 10:16
Hi Dimmy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Going home
02-12-10, 10:16
Hi there Dimmy and welcome to the forum, sorry you're having a bad time of it just now. I'm a little confused though, because to be honest being told you've got to have a heart operation would make anybody anxious surely? So why is your doctor treating it as if you're overreacting and suggested therapy? Unless you're an anxious person anyway, were you anxious before this? How long do you have to wait for the op?

Anna xx

02-12-10, 11:20
Hi Dimmy

I really feel for you. Unfortunately doctors often only want to treat physical symptoms, instead of the whole person. I sympathise with your worries; I have a heart irregularity, currently controlled by beta blockers, but one day I may have to have an op if they stop controlling the problem. Soon I may have to have an endoscopy because of gastric problems, and the thought of it terrifies me. Some people sail through these kinds of things with bravery but for those of us who are anxious, it is all too much.

The NHS needs to be giving more care and consideration to people with anxiety/depression rather than wasting money on unnecessary things. My heart goes out to you (excuse the pun!) and I will keep you in my thoughts at this difficult time. All you can do is get yourself on the waiting list, and take it all one day at a time. The only good thing is that the help and support you will get when you are allocated a place, will hopefully be very good. It just shows what a big problem mental health is that there IS such a long waiting list, which is why the government should address the problem properly and pay for more therapists!

All the best, Mary

Vanilla Sky
03-12-10, 10:52
Come into the chat room sometime and talk , we 'r not a bad bunch lol
talk soon
Paige xx

03-12-10, 14:05
Hello Dimmy,
Sorry to hear about your situation.Believe me I know what you are going through. I don't know how old you are, I was 55 when I had a heart operation due to blocked arteries. I had to wait about 18months for nhs to fit me in for my op.Those 18 months went very quickly for me and my GP gave me plenty of support,although I was given meds to calm me down.
Please try not to worry. If the op gives you a better quality of life,or is neceassary for your well being.your life is in their hands.Try not to worry.
Will be thinking of you.Please talk to us on nmp if you are down
Let us no how you go on