View Full Version : Seriously freaking out now. Can anyone help please?!

Natalie x
02-12-10, 12:18
Hi. Okay, so I know I shouldn't have but I just couldn't help it - yip I googled. Now I'm in work going out of my mind with worry about this sensation that I keep having in my leg. :weep:I have looked at other forums and there was one post which someone had complained about the same thing and then someone replied to say they need to get to the Doctor straight away. Obviously, I am now sitting here with things going all through my head worrying about MS and other things. I am only 19 - is this a common thing for someone of my age? Please someone re-assure me. If you look back at my previous threads you will see some of my recent worries. I am not sure if it is just my imagination as the sensations seem to come and go. Please reply! Thanks x

02-12-10, 12:41
I have been getting it everyday in legs and arms and hands, mostly on right side, including being woken up with it, with dizziness too, im petrified about it so ur not alone, i try to tell myself its anxiety, but i just cannot seem to convince myself. i gotta neurologist appt on 1st feb but im so impatient, im worrying about mnd as i get awful weakness and aches in forearms and legs and hands :( ur not alone babe xx deffo get an appt to see a neuro if u are that worried tho, or just get ur doc to examine u xxx

Natalie x
02-12-10, 12:47
Thanks for your reply. Im scared to go incase it is something serious x

02-12-10, 13:01
Hi Natalie, I've looked at just the titles of some of your previous threads and to me they just shout health anxiety. I have read that the average age for developing MS is 37. I know quite a lot of people who have it and they were all diagnosed in their 30s or 40s. Please take some reassurance from this x

Natalie x
02-12-10, 13:21
Hi Jane. Thank you for your reply. I hope that you are right. I am trying my hardest to put it out my head x

02-12-10, 13:24
I honestly think that's the best thing you can do xx

Natalie x
02-12-10, 17:49
Thank you. All the what ifs just keep popping in2 my head x