View Full Version : Panic52

02-12-10, 16:27
Hi can you take kalms a week after you have banged your head I'm so stressd out ? I was at casualty and they said I was ok just battered my brain a bit went to docs and she said It was stress and and anxiety and it would just Pass I felt ok yesterday bit today I feel terrible took 2co codamol to zee if it would ease the tension and it just made me feel worse ?I'm at my wits end ?sorry for rambling on I feel such a fool ?

02-12-10, 16:28
Hi there

Kalms are herbal medicine so should be fine for you. They can help you to relax and sleep a bit better.

02-12-10, 16:35
Hi blue angel thanx for reply so you think it will be safe then Im so scared to take them incase anything happens? I had pain in head on Tuesday night then woke up yesterday with a blackeye ?xx