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View Full Version : Hot and cold please help!

02-12-10, 18:19
Ok I feel like I am going mad this week!!!! I posted a thread earlier this week about legs. When I sit down it feels like a draft is blowing around my legs and they get really cold, but not to touch just on the inside. Now I'm getting chills that move in a wave across my legs and for the last two days it goes across my back as well where my shoulder blades are and I am also feeling really cold there. Today I have started to go from really cold to really hot, but neither of them feel like a 'normal' cold or hot feeling, it is like an internal hot and cold which is really unpleasant. I guess my question is could I be doing all this to myself? I am extremely anxious and have spent days visiting Dr google!! I don't want to go to the Dr if I don't have to. My husband and Mum think I am holding myself stiff and tight to such a point I am making this happen which I think I could be. My legs have started to ache a bit from where I am so tensed as is my left arm now. When I get warm I don't feel the draft feeling which does make me think it's not something too serious as surely I would feel it all the time if it was? I don't know anymore, if anyone could help or anything I would most appreciate it. :yesyes:

02-12-10, 18:32
hot air rises, and there might actually be a draft around your legs, try using a blanket maybe.
do you now what temperature your room is? if not you should get one, you can get little digital clocks that tell you the room temperature.
that way you will know if it's just you.
even when my house is warm I can some times feel a draft around my legs.
I find the temperature thing handy because it helps me adjust the heating.
I get the feeling really really warm to really cold, even when the room is at a good temperature. I really think it's anxiety, as the last two panic attacks I had, one hand was roasting, red and sweating and the other one was freezing cold!
it's amazing and frustrating how much anxiety can affect your body!

02-12-10, 18:32
Its just your nerves . Try to relax your muscles and do some deep breathing to get more oxygen into your blood .Once you become less tense and less anxious it will pass .T/c Sue xx

02-12-10, 18:34
Thanks for your replies. I am trying to relax but it's so difficult when I can feel my legs getting cold, it's all the time really as well. I wish this would all stop.