View Full Version : I've booked hairdressing visit - any suggestions

02-12-10, 19:16
I have an appointment at 12 oclock on Saturday. Last time I went, I had a panic attack (it was early November). I had my sister with me but went to a salon I dont live near. The hairdresser was lovely and understood and basically made me feel much better and along with my sister kinda talked me down. I was able to stay and complete my appointment. This time I really need to get some highlights to hide the grey... and I really want it done so I have booked with a salon 10 mins walk from my home. Not a place I would normally use (think grey-rinse clients) but I need to adjust to using a hairdressers again...

Any ideas how I can get through this successfully without panic - I have already got that 'pit feeling in my tummy when I think about it. I dont have any company this time either (not through trying though) but I know I must do this alone

I can do it, I can do it...:ohmy: just looking for reassurance :whistles:

02-12-10, 19:40
yeah you sooooo can do it !!! I'm the same with hairdressers, but you know what last time i went i got soo ingrossed in chatting away with my haridresser that i sailed through it !!!!! Even if you do have a little wobble breath through it, you'll be fine and you'll come out with no greys lol.....and you'll be proud of yourself for going. Try to think of it as a nice pampering treat rather than dreading it ! Talk about the weather, holidays anything... it'll take your mind off it.....

02-12-10, 19:44

Why dont you take things with you to distract yourself such as a good book or a puzzlebook or something. I have big problems going to the hairdresser so I take things with me to do. It also helps me talking to teh hairdresser lots, I use to hate the small talk with them but now I find that the more I talk to them the more I din't think about how I am feeling.

Try not to think about it too much though, the more you worry about it before you go the worse it will be.
Just keep thinking about how great your hair will look when it is done and how proud of yourself you will be!

Good luck xx

02-12-10, 20:44
It is the small talk I hate too. I always feel fake for some odd reason and always worry that they think I am weird!!??!! But you are right, I must engage in talk..

I would rather go and get a tooth pulled at the dentist than go to a hairdresser! But I am vain and need my roots done :)

02-12-10, 20:44

I am not a girl but I can understand the feeling, I sometimes get anxious when I will be seated like that for an extended period of time, liek getting my haircut, dentist. I know its cliche but alot of time I will just close my eyes and "fantasize" whatever it is that calms you. Whether it be intimacy with someone or sitting at a beach in the carribean.Also, Try to not hype yourself up to it and realize the absolute worste thing that could happen is you feeling unconfortable for a short period of time, nothing else. Good luck!

02-12-10, 21:23
Thank you Pallox, and that last line is so true - going to keep that in my head.

03-12-10, 09:22
Good luck Ambers, try to think about it like your going to make yourself feel better about your hair/image and think of the panic feeling as if your are excited to be making yourself look good and that the results will be worth it.
That said i'm long overdue a hairdressing appointment but only because my hair seems to be going very fine and falling out, so with me its more embaressment than anxiosness, all as I have tended to do for over 18month is trim my own fringe LOL but a cut might do my hair some good and encourage it to grow.

You can do it Ambers and will look and feel great after!

03-12-10, 09:44
Del - dont discourage from going because of hair lost - they have seen it all. I am losing hair too! I have a slight bald patch on the left! Thank you for your kind words anyone - I am going to do this!! But I do feel that I am running on burn all the time - like everything is a changelled and I have to tackle everyday from going to the shops, getting on a train even leaving the front door I feel anxious. But I am doing it cos I refuse to let it beat me. Today I am up for the fight :)... hopefully tomorrow I will be too

03-12-10, 10:59
Good luck Ambers. I've been in that place where preparing to go anywhere is an ordeal and it really drags you down. But the alternative - avoidance - is a whole lot worse for us in the long run IMO. You go for it :yesyes:

04-12-10, 18:40
I did it! It was tough! I had nearly a hour wait to be seen which was touch and go.. I walked out at one point and went for a walk promising to go back and I did.

I had fluttering in my stomach, shakey legs and my leg arm went numb and heavy...but I knew it was just my body preparing for the fight or flight. I knew that if I left and avoided going through with it I would only get worse again. Hair looks good and I feel great and sooooo pleased with myself..to think 3 months ago I wouldn't leave the house :)

04-12-10, 19:29
yay you did it :D wow you waited a whole hour too, your one determined lady lol
oh thats good you went for a walk, I find walking helps calm me as I feel less trapped.
aw that makes me feel better that you had shaky legs and those symptoms , and you didn't leave yay !! just helps me feel less anxious about going to the hairdressers so thanks for posting the update.
wow 3 months ago you were stuck in side? lol your my hero now :yesyes:
aw well done, so pleased for you x

04-12-10, 23:03
Good for you Ambers........ you should feel very proud of yourself........!!! Today the haridressers... tomorrow the world eh :winks:

04-12-10, 23:29

Well done Ambers, think you did great considering how you were a few months ago not going out

mandie xx

05-12-10, 11:22
WOW!! a massive WELL DONE to you Ambers, I bet you look and feel a million dollars, i'm really pleased you managed it, give yourself a pat on the back you really deserve it!!

05-12-10, 14:35
well done! i always struggle with the hairdressers and feeling trapped there :( I just try and talk gibberish to the hairdressers and force myself to read the magazines.
You did really well to stick it out experiencing anxiety symptoms well done, I have an appointment next week so hope I can do as well as you. x

05-12-10, 14:45
Thank you so much for lots of lovely comments. Still beaming today... everyday is a struggle but I so want to live my life again, I dont want to watch from the sidelines... I have been doing my CBT and I really think it is making a difference, although there are some things I am not ready to tackle yet (driving on the motorway - no no still).


05-12-10, 23:48
Congratulations!!! What a HUGE step!!!! Soooooo happy for you!


06-12-10, 03:06
It's not a hairdressers, but i had an attack getting me third tattoo recently, I'd never had one at such a time before, and I never use the same parlour so it wasnt even as if they were familiar, but just them talking to me helps, I give them the heads up now and they keep some idle chatter going which keeps me calm, the silent ones set my heart off like the clappers, I just cant stand it, it makes me think about it too much! Idle chat and thoughts of how good the final result will be, thats what I'd suggest :P

06-12-10, 03:07
Looks like I'm well behind, darn computer. Congrats :p

06-12-10, 11:25
Yeah that is great news!!! I havent been able to get onto my computer for a few days but I was thinking abut how your appointment went!
You will have to think about what you next challenge can be now! xx

08-12-10, 23:48
You have mention your problem ,now i tell you the suggestion of your problem.Firstly as you said that you are having stomach problem when you go to the hairdresser ,if anything yuk thing happen to you while hairdressing just vanished it from your mind ,be refresh your self & be frank make your mind busy by new ideas and wounderful thoughts.