View Full Version : Continued worry

02-12-10, 19:49
I feel this anxiety will never lift. I've sat all week worried about my eyes, going blind, tonight getting off balance symptoms, runny eyes, feel in a trance, like a zombie, like I'm dying and crazy..questioning who I am..last week I started to feel better now I feel trapped in my life again. :blush:

I don't understand how it can be anxiety causing all these crazy symptoms..makes me just wanna hide away in bed or in my room...feel my future is doomed living like this not knowing what's wrong...not been able to see my counselor this week due to snow..can't for another 2 weeks due to a bit of overtime at work.

There's no cure for me..the real me has been sucked away and gone. :lac:

02-12-10, 20:09

The anxiety will lift, eventually. the more you question it and concentrate on it and expect it, the longer it will take.

I understand your blindness fear, i have it too, i actually have a thread on here somewhere. i also have sinusitis at the moment and i panicked that would make me go blind!

You wont go blind, the fear is just a fear, just nasty feelings that you need to ignore. easier said than done i know, but you wont feel like this forever, there is a way out and soon enough you will find a way.

dont give up phil. :)

03-12-10, 17:17
Had another rough day...felt ok until about 2pm but the feelings of fatigue, feeling strange, eyes has just been on my mind. When I went a walk I felt disconnected, like my eyes weren't processing from my brain and everything was just strange and weird..is this anxiety and depersonalization?

It seems I never feel normal anymore..if I do it's in small doses...I feel so determined this is not anxiety..each week I struggle on I asses whether the emergency requires a doctor.

I've gave up the driving for now to remove stress...but still 7 months on here I feel rotten, like I'm dying or crazy. It's no quality of life living in a nervous anxious bubble..has to be a way out? I just don't believe this is anxiety... :weep:

Carly Lou
03-12-10, 17:21
Oh phil.... I have been where you are, and it really really is quite possibly the worse thing ever :-( altho i am on mirtazapine to keep my severe anxiety at bay ... i was feeling in a trance dizzy feeling all day yesterday at work... so you arnt alone i promise xx
I have a new worry with my heart, keep getting sharps pains and a bubbling feeling in my chest... you can imagine what i am thinking :-( but normally if i hadnt have been on these meds i would have had the ambulance out by now... which i did do when my anxiety was at its highest which was er..... 5 times !!!
i know how you feel, and you really do feel like you will just never ever snap out of it, like i did, i was like it constant for 2 years feeling/believeing and looking like i was going to die... i really feel for you.... the obsessing over something is very hard to snap out of, esp when you can feel and notice the physical symptoms xxx
pm me anytime phil xxxx
or if you are on facebook im carly louise rymes
it will all get better xxxxxx
promise xxx

paula lynne
03-12-10, 17:22
Hiya Phil, unless you start believing its anxiety, youll be trapped by these feelings forever...and thats a long time. I understand your frustrations about being trapped..Ive got a sick child at home, am having bad anxiety, and live in a valley totally cut off.

Can I ask, what are you doing to help yourself? Do you listen to cds/read books etc?
Use oils? Relaxation techniques? To be honest, Ive only started doing these things in that last 2 years, (after 10 years of anxiety), but my quality of life has improved dramatically, even though I still get anxiety.

Youve got 2 choices. Sit back and let this demon destroy you, or accept it, and gain knowledge about it, because knowledge is power......dont give up.

03-12-10, 20:58
Hiya Phil, unless you start believing its anxiety, youll be trapped by these feelings forever...and thats a long time. I understand your frustrations about being trapped..Ive got a sick child at home, am having bad anxiety, and live in a valley totally cut off.

Can I ask, what are you doing to help yourself? Do you listen to cds/read books etc?
Use oils? Relaxation techniques? To be honest, Ive only started doing these things in that last 2 years, (after 10 years of anxiety), but my quality of life has improved dramatically, even though I still get anxiety.

Youve got 2 choices. Sit back and let this demon destroy you, or accept it, and gain knowledge about it, because knowledge is power......dont give up.

I have tried relaxation, books, oils but I'm having one of these weeks where very little helps. I've just sat feeling crazy, ill, wierd all night..seems to be no let up from it.

It's how I can break the cycle when it's really bad.. I feel the snow is maybe stressing me out a little duno why..just the fuss it's casuing making me a tad anxious.. :huh:

It's no good when the anxiety is this strong.. :blush: I just feel on another planet..sat all night in a trance.

Hazel B
03-12-10, 21:12
Phil, my heart goes out to you.

Paula's right, accepting and fighting is the way to beat it. I know, as I was exactly the same a few months ago. It's been a nightmare since then, but with meds (Propranolol) and 12 weeks of counselling I really feel I've turned a corner. I lost over 2 stones in weight, couldn't eat, read, sleep properly,watch TV, listen to music etc.etc. I'd only leave home for one hour and then want to dash back to feel safe. I was convinced I had cancer and was also losing my mind.

Please don't give up, stay strong, remember who you are, what you love and what you stand for and if you fight and take it's power away, you can beat anxiety.

Take care.

paula lynne
03-12-10, 21:51
Ok Phil, Im glad you are trying everything I suggested. Maybe time away from the laptop will break the cycle, read a book, play a cd you forgot about, have a relaxing bath, call a friend...make a meal, clean out your wardrobe, write your xmas cards...x

I know you feel crap, but reading all your other posts, stop dwelling on the feelings, and just "do it"..ie,,,carry on your day WITH the feelings...you will find that you have moments when you think "I havent thought about anxiety for an hour!", and this will affect your feelings about it, and therefore, your symptoms

05-12-10, 00:22
I wish my anxiety would go away..

I don't understand how I can feel spaced out, weird, ill, fatigued..all these symptoms for months and months with little light? Must be a reason? :ohmy: