View Full Version : Hello everyone x

02-12-10, 21:31
Hi i'm new to no more panic, hello to everyone. While in uni i became very unwell, course work, family things and I got put on Sertraline which really really helped me battle through. I am off them now and getting on with things. It is my partner I am really worried about...when we first me he was a brilliant guy.. just a little mad if anything. Then everyone began to realise there was something quite right. Anyway after finding out he has had a hard life, amphetamine abuse, ups and downs I finally managed to get him to admit his depression and got him to a doctors. He was put on 20mg citalopram and he was brilliant coping with life....eventually it was upped to 60mg and he has been fantastic. This is great but since we have been snowed in he hasn't taken his tablets and he is horrible to say the least. Like hes a different person. it not the first time he hasnt taken his pills, either having forgot to pick them or not bothered to take them. I just dont know what to do he's really cruel without them. :blush::weep:

02-12-10, 21:34
Hi brokenari

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
02-12-10, 21:43
Hiya, welcome aboard. I hope your boyfriend settles down again with his tablets really soon. Reassure him you love him, but stress the importance of him taking them. Its nice to know you x:welcome:

02-12-10, 21:44
Thank you,

Citalopram has been a god send in my life because I have a wonderful partner when he is taking it. The xtremes when he doesnt take it scare me. Right now because it is snowing he "can't be bothered" although he is a fit strong guy, (he hasn't had his 60mg in 3 days). He has lay in bed for 4 days now and hasnt eated properly or washed. Everytime I say something he snaps at me and blames me or the rest of the world. I love him to pieces, i spent 6 years with him & through that time Ive helped him get his kids back and helped him get most of his life organised. Then every couple of months he stops taking his tablets and the mood swings are unreal. I fell in the snow yesterday and hurt my leg he just shouted at me for wearing the wrong shoes and walked away from me without helping me up. This was the same man 4 days ago who was playing in the with the kids in the street, helping clear drives, helping the eldery with the shopping, helping me tidy the house and cook dinner. Is the citalopram the real him? or the horrible person underneath? I cant take the ups and downs myself, i feel like crying for the man ive lost at times.

paula lynne
02-12-10, 21:53
Oh my heart goes out to you it really does. Clearly he needs the meds. My bro has been on anti-d's for years, without them hes a different man, horrible selfish and rude. Gp said he was born with some deficiency or other, not his fault.

Im sorry youve hurt your leg, hope you are ok?

I think when the weather improves, you should see his doctor. YOU need help and advice regarding coping stratergies when your bf goes through these low mood swings, to help YOU cope and feel like youre going a little less insane........

Im hoping things improve really soon. You sound like a wonderful caring person, hes so lucky to have you. Dont give up. Lets hope for all our sakes the blooming snow melts and we can all get out and about, half the country is going stir crazy!

Im Paula, 39, married, 2 kids, 1 grandchild, live in South Wales. PM me anytime, Id really like to follow this up if you dont mind, Ive been through something similar. Take care of yourself xxx

02-12-10, 22:45
hi and :welcome: to nmp

03-12-10, 00:27
Hi, you'll find loads of support on this site..

03-12-10, 01:06
Wow thanks everyone :)
feel much better for gettin that off my chest
yeh paula he really needs his meds....exactly..rude..selfish...especially to me at times...not his friends even when he is low...but i guess you always hurt those closest to you.

Got him a strip of 20mg from a neighbour to tide him over till we can get out, he took 40mg and went to sleep about an hour ago...he just got up all smiles and made me a a cup of tea WTF?? I feel like I am going insane at times!! before he was sleeping he told me to get out the house and that nobody loved him and he does everything for everyone else blah blah..................he cannot remember this tantrum???

my leg is ok, twisted my knee but, bit swollen..gosh thanks for asking tho :D

I think you are right too about the being born with it thing...there is a want with some memebers of his family, one or 2 of his sisters he is close to. he is from a big family and many have addiction issues, suicide attempts, self harming. I studied pharmacology at uni and it feels like a big pie in the face when i go to see his GP, because he is not honest with her about the amphetamine abuse in youth and he knows because ive explained to him about dopamine etc, that was probably why she just put him on 20mg. there are times when i think he is almost could be borderline bi-polar/schizo without his meds.
Its so hard even when i try to talk about how im feeling for a minute or 2 all i get is backlash "its all about you you you". Its amazing how selfish the illness can be at times. all i do all day is make sure he can get up in the morning, make sure hes made appointmens bank, doctor etc, ensure there is food. when hes real bad ensure he eats, washes etc. sometimes he sleeps for 4 days on end, gets up to eat an entire family box of chocolates y'know roses/quality street, multipack of crisps then goes back to bed. And he says that is businees and doesnt effect me. it does though because i cant stand to see him waste his life away lying in bed. i know the meds make you sleepy, but sometimes i wonder if he's just being lazy. and i always say what about when the kids come you will have to get up? i know he loves his 2 kids but he sometimes doest have the patience to be around them or just to sit down and play and often i am left babysitting them. i dont mind but again its lumped on me. maybe its my fault for being the enabler, but i just want him to get better x

09-12-10, 22:29
dont know what to think now, really I don't. Got him back on the 60mg on Monday. GP said as he's been taking a little 20mg of citalopram by wednesday he should be perkier. No change not even a hint of change. Maybe citalopram isnt the answer anymore? he thinks he's "fine". But he's still out of character. So far he has slept for 4 days. he hasnt washed or shaved. His kids are coming tomorrow. Its their last visit before Xmas day itself. I asked him on Monday if he would help me paint the kitchen a little and put the tree up etc etc clean house for the festive period. He went back to bed. I broke my back painitng the kitchen ceiling, made him a great dinner...he wolfed it down then went back to bed. he's nocturnal. if im not working during the week i sit all day alone with tv for company, i tidy a little, go see my mum and come back and hes still sleeping. ill do a full house clean...come back and theres empty crisp packets everywere, fag ash on the floor, plates piled high and he'll be dozing on the couch with the TV left on. If the 60mg isnt lifiting the depression even just enough to get him to stay awake and do something productive for a couple of hours then what???? I mean he's a huge DIY/building/model builder enthusiast-and all i asked for was a hand to put a curtain pole up and change a light shade............all in the aid so his kids could see the house looking nice for xmas (especially for his daughter as her mum died when she was 5.)its bloody hard to sound like im no slagging him off but ive tried so damn hard for 6 years and still nothing. if the kids wern't involved maybe i wouldve left by now. but i feel terrible because ive help him gets his kids back...went with him to court to get access...helped him financially...buy gifts...take them to cinema etc. i keep saying to myself i havent done anything wrong...and i know i havent...i just want him to be good and there for me.

13-12-10, 14:12
hello am on citalopram 20mg and propranolol 10mg for anxiety,depression and stress.been on them for 10 weeks and still feeling scared,lonley and confused

13-12-10, 14:49
I'm sorry to hear about everything you are going through it must be very hard. Your posts show that you really care. There are groups to help people who look after others.
If you did a quick internet search for your area maybe there is one near by.
Sorry my advice isn't that great.

I'm also sorry to hear about the problems you have. I am about to go to my doctor and ask to put on the same medication that you are on. I did read somewhere that it does take a while for the medication to kick in even though ten weeks does seem long. Maybe you should go back (and if you are anything like me it's not easy going to the doctor) and tell the doctor they are not working for you. Sometimes certain medicines don't work for some people.