View Full Version : Full Blood Count???

03-12-10, 01:36
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me, or just to get a bit of reassurance. I recently found out that I'm expecting my first child and my doctor sent me off to do a heap of blood tests including a FBC, HEP B & C syphilis, etc etc. I went back and got my tests and everything was fine and according to the blood test I'm pretty healthy. I noticed that I WASN'T tested for HIV. I don't think I've ever put myself at risk, although I did have an exposure about 4 years ago where the condom broke, but he realised almost straight away and replaced it with a new one. Now I'm freaking out. People I've asked have said if something was wrong it would be picked up in my FBC and the doctor would have to investigate further. My questions is, if all my other routine test came back fine do I need to question my doctor about the HIV test?? I got the midwife and then the obstetrician to check my blood results and both said all looks great. I understand an FBC would NOT pick up if I have HIV, but it would flag something for my doctor to check. I'm also stressing that the midwife and doctor just skimmed through the rests and didn't look at them fully and may have missed something in my FBC test. If someone could help I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

03-12-10, 10:10
Your Dr and midwife would not have skimmed throught the tests when they looked at them before you were there - all tests are seen my a Dr when they arrive at the surgery so of course they would already know they were fine so to you it would just look like they weren't looking properly ( I worked at a Drs). also its not just the Drs who look but the lab itself tells the Dr the result on the result note so they say "no action needed" or "xxx is low or high" so its a double check.

Pregnant women are anonymously tested for HIV because if you were HIV then special precautions are needed as in having c section rather than normal delivery as normal delivery puts baby at higher risk of catching HIV from mother.

For your peace of mind and not because I think you need it why don't you ask you Dr if you have been tested and if not then have the test - no need to worry throughout your pregnancy needlessly.

If you are like me with health anxiety then sure as eggs are eggs once you have got the negative HIV test you will find another worrying symptom:D Hopefully you are not like me

03-12-10, 10:14
OK I’m no expert but I really think you have nothing what so ever to worry about. If you were exposed four years ago there would be some signs by now, if not physical then in your bloods. If you had HIV then for sure your bloods would show something amiss that would lead your doc to investigate further. Obviously you could just make the passing comment to your doc/midwife for reassurance, you could even have a test done at a walk in clinic, I think I’m right in saying it can be done while you wait with instant results just from a thumb prick.

Trust me you are fine enjoy your pregnancy and baby. From a male perspective having children is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me.:)

03-12-10, 12:37
You mean on the booklet they didn't tick to test for HIV?

I was screened when j was pregnant for all of those and that was one if them. They asked beforehand if I wanted to be tested and I said yes to all.

Why don't you have a chat with your midwife and ask why you aren't tested?

07-12-10, 22:52
I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. I have been worried sick about this fear and all I want to do is enjoy this pregnancy.

Also, this site is a lifesaver. It is so reassuring to know I'm not the only one that has this fear.

Country Girl, my husband said the exact same thing that the doctor and midwife would have gone through the test results prior to my appointment and thats why to me it looked like they just skimmed through the results at my appointment.

I just wish I could get this HIV fear out of my head. It just seems weird that the doctor wouldn't test me for it as in all my pregnancy books it says it is a standard test, but I guess you are right and if I had HIV then something would be flagged in my full blood count or WBC levels?????

Thanks again for listening.

08-12-10, 13:30

I know how scarey this kind of thought can be. But it might be better if you went to your midwife and checked . There is a HUGE possiblity that you were tested and the results were not as easy to see as the others.

Antenatal hiv testing in uk is an opt in basis as far as I remember. You would have had to specicifically say that you want to be tested for it.But Its considered VERY important by the health service because there is obviously a young life to protect so the midwife should always make a point of asking clearly if you want it and you must sign to have the test taken. Although from memory in my notes it was in amoungst the other tests ie..syphillis, hep b and the midwife I had, explained that there was several tests for various things such as blah blah and it was normal to test for them was that ok?
HIV testing is not anonymous in antenatal testing although there was an anonymous study called the guthrie report that anonmymously tests newborns from the same blood that they take for other heel prick testing they do.

From advice I was given there is usually no changes to blood chemistry until a person becomes ill from HIV.

BUT NONE of this means that you are at risk or have HIV!! When i was getting those tests two years ago i was petrified but they were all okay. I alsready had HA about HIV so the Hiv test freaked me out already but if i hadnt really freaked ou about it before then the test would really make me obssess!

Check with them becuase you will be so releived when they confirm the good news!!


08-12-10, 21:50
yep, you have to give consent to have a HIV test, I aggree that you will only show possible signs on a FBC in regards to HIV infection much later on 5 to ten years in some cases.

Best thing get tested, you say you had a risk although very low some time ago. tyhe risk being 1 2000 and that would be if you knew that the person was HIV+ so pretty low eh... and the chances of that is very slim.

pop along to your GP or GUM clinic and get a test if the test was to be p24/antibody combi test the accurancy would be 9.89% at 28 days post risk and 9.9999999% at 6 weeks onwards, This only changes slightly if you are autoimmune on chemo, cancer treatment ect. Then you would need to test a little later on with a retest at a max of 12 weeks post risk.

I hope this helps
