View Full Version : It's Old But I Need Reassurance Pls (Heart Palps)

03-12-10, 03:30
Hi guys

I have been having an awful year and all started with a severe panic attack that landed me in ER. I pretty much lost control of my muscles on the left side of my body and was shaking uncontrollably. Since than I have had various non=stop anxiety symptoms from tingling hands and feet, stabbing pains all over my body, dizzy spells, panic attacks you name it.

This year I have had an MRI of the head (normal), a gastroscopy which showed stomach inflammation and slight reflux (now on strong antibiotics for possible H.Pylori) ... I also have Polycystic Ovaries and my periods pretty much stoppped for the year even though I was semi-regular for a few years now which sent me into a heap of worry.

Anyway, I have been starting to get heart Palps. Now this is not new but because it is happening every day now I am getting scared. I really don't want to have to go to a cardiologist I have had enough of doctors. What I have felt is that my heart feels like it has a huge thump in the middle of doing absolutely nothing strenous ... I've also had the feeling of it flipping in my chest (feels like a fish flopping about) a few times in a row. I also experience strong heartbeat which I can feel esp when I'm trying to sleep or when I'm still. It's the weird thumps and flips that freak me out because no matter what I tell myself I think it will Kill me.

I'm going on holiday soon after a very stressful year but this symptom is freaking me out and preventing me from enjoying the prospect in fact it is making me feel like I don't want to go in case something happens to me in a foreign land. Can someone tell me if this sounds normal ... I mean I don't even feel stressed but once I feel the palps I get TOTALLY stressed. Should I visit the doctor again? I really don't want to.

Thanks for listening.

03-12-10, 03:59
Its very normal.I experience the palps everyday and have most of my life. I have been in my share or ERs with no resolve either.Sometimes I think its something to do with imbalances of chemicals in our bodies.. Just little ones..I think you will be fine on holiday and maybe a holiday is what you need.Everything you mentioned sounds like anxiety to me. .Although im not a doctor I am a fellow sufferer and God knows I have suffered a lot too.But overall I think you are ok and will be just fine.. If the doctor has told you nothing is wrong then its probably true..Take care and try to relax .Michael

03-12-10, 04:42
Sounds like ectopic beats,completely harmless and very common.


04-12-10, 10:34
when you began shaking. was this a pnes? "psychogenetic nonepileptic seizures"?

23-09-13, 08:02
Sorry for this late reply, but I have no idea what it was. None of the doctors knew. I went to an osteopath and he said my neck was out but he said it couldn't possibly cause my shaking. But lo-behold no more shaking after he snapped my neck back in place. Weird.