View Full Version : Balance/Pushing to one side

03-12-10, 09:07
Does anyone else feel like when they are sitting down or standing still they are being pushed to one side. Its a really weird feeling of being off balance and its really bothering me. I am sat at my desk at work and my body feels so tense because of it, like I am trying so hard not to go that way that its causes me back pain. When I relax I always end up leaning all the way to the side I am being pushed to then the process starts all over again. Its making it so hard to relax I don't even feel that bad apart from that. Its driving me crazy because its there alot of the time and can even get that feeling when I am lied down. Its not just sitting at my desk I can get it sitting watching films, reading what a nightmare. This has been going on for months on and off, when I mention it to the doctors they just brush it off, nicely of course but still no answers. I have had a bad gum infection that hopefully has now cleared up so maybe some has gone in my sinus' I just wish it would stop


03-12-10, 10:59
Hi Chris, I have this all the time drives me mad. I lean to one side, and always holding onto myself but I do have a lot of muscular tension never feel relaxed. I also have really bad balance to the point where I struggle walking and look like I'm drunk when I do. I sway a lot to sitting or standing, although much worse when standing I actually visibly sway. Oh the joys of anxiety.
Take care ann

03-12-10, 10:59
Yes Chris I have had this, very recently infact and years ago as well - I remember going to the doc myself but they seemed unconcerned. I have been getting some balance probs for the last few weeks but this particular issue doesn't worry me too much because I've had it before.

I really think it is one of those things that you notice only when you think about it, which should assure you that it's completely benign.

03-12-10, 11:36
Both myself and husband have this especially when walking and sometimes we will both sway opposite way and bang into each other or one of us had to hold the arm of the other otherwise they walk off one way and look as if they are drunk.

We both have neck problems due to wear and tear and as my husband has absolutely no health anxiety it likely due to tight neck muscles for whatever reason so could easily by a sign of anxiety/tight muscles.

03-12-10, 12:19
Thanks for the replies they are very helpful and at least I am not the only one suffering this, although I wish none of us where. Its such a awful symptom and everyone always says to me "Well you've not fallen over, have you" which is true but doesn't really help me when my muscles become so tense from holding myself in place. I wish it would go because it really is distracting me and happens quite a lot and also lasts days once it starts. I am sure this one symtom is bringing on a number of other symptoms for me but I guess I have to somehow ignore it.


03-12-10, 22:40
Have had it for years.
I hang my head to the left and always think I am falling to the left people have thought I have been drunk in the past because I walk so very bad