View Full Version : Advice

03-12-10, 10:55
I had been doing so well the past few days but feel at a loss again today.

I gave started worrying about hypoglycaemia, diabetes and adrenal function.

I have been feeling washed out the past couple of days and put it down to my runnif panic lately and perhaps a cold brewing which hasn't seemed to appear.

Today I woke up and was lying in bed and started having those sinking falling feelings. I felt like I was going to loose consciousness and die. It was pretty scary. I kept feeling like my heart was skipping but I couldn't detect any skips in my pulse. I also felt like even though I was breathing properly, like jneeded to gasp for air like I was going to suffocate.

I have been managing to ward off panic attacks the past few days by breathing deeply.

I got up and when I stood at the dink my heart was racing at 105 so that started to worry me.

I keep getting odd sensations in my throat and neck and think j gave s blockage in an artery or something.

My legs and arms and body aches today and I can't believe that could be from walking in the snow. A normal person wouldn't acne from a little bit of snow.

Sorry to ramble on if you got this far.

My arms also feel like they gave electricity jn them today.

03-12-10, 10:57
Do normal people get the wired falling asleep relaxing thing and just don't notice it? Is it just my body interpreting a normal thing as something bad?

I feel like my heart stops or something and like falling or fighting to stay alive.

Is there an explanation ?

03-12-10, 11:06
Mornin dodo, I'm glad you were doing well :)

I get those sinking/falling feelings when I'm in bed as do loads of other people on here and none of us have been told it's a sign of something awful. My heart does crazy things in bed too, the night before last I was getting giant flutters in my chest that lasted about 3 seconds at a time! I read something reassuring on here the other day, someones doctor said ectopics/missed beats/palps at night are nothing to worry about.

I've been getting that breathing thing at night too, I'll be pretty fine with my breathing all day then as soon as I get into bed I'll feel like I can't breathe which leads to me actually physically feeling myself unable to breathe which makes me sit bolt upright and gasp. Kind feels like all my chest muscles just stop for a second and physically can't breathe?

105 is really ok for a heart rate, especially if you were getting wound up by your breathing and missed beats. Just another scarey anx symptom hun.

I don't really know a lot about blockages in arterys, but I'd say it would cause quite a bit of pain? I used to get funny sensations in my neck and throat too, I was reading back through my health anxiety diary the other day and during June/July time I wrote about my neck and throat more than I did my chest and heart lol.

With regards to walking in the snow making you hurt, it definatley can. You have to use more muscles cuz you have to be careful you wont slip and you can't drag your feet or walk "normally" if you get me. People walking in the snow usually look REALLY uncomfertable lol, just an observation :D. Not to mention the cold! That could be making you ache a bit. My feet really hurt today cuz I've got no socks on lol.

Hope this helps a little bit. xx

03-12-10, 11:23
Thanks pokerface.

I am just so very tired. I am sleeping all night now but feel drained when I wake up still and need to go to bed early as I'm falling asleep on the sofa.

I am fed up of going to my dr and I know they're fed up of me. I have had all heart tests come back clear a couple of months ago so they won't do anything more. They don't even listen to my chest when I go in complaining of breathing issues and the like.

Yesterday when I was walking I was getting awful pain in the centre if my chest spreading across. I think it was the muscles on between my ribs as it hurt every time I breathed. Today if I press lightly on the centre it really hurts.

I feel so lightheaded and off today. Just want some energy and get up and go.

03-12-10, 11:31
Dodo I have been posting alot in past couple of months about that awful sinking falling sensation when I am in bed and it happens as soon as I relax- when the sensation is very intense that makes my heart beat really hard and then fast I think its a panic response to the horrible sensation. I have had it every night to some degree for about 6 weeks now.

I had it very badly once before about 7 yrs ago and again I had it too some degree every night for nearly a year. I really thought I had something dreadful but in those 7 years I have had numerous brain scans and neuro tests etc etc and nothing horrible.

I have been told it could be three things- tense neck muscles that as they relax ( I can get it with my eyes open laying down or sitting up if I try and fall asleep) they send wonky messages to brain or that its pure anxiety and your brain is so wired its giving wrong mesages as it relaxes and its a type of sleep disorder that is harmless.

I know that benign paroximal vertigo ( think that how you sp it) can also give you weird dizzy sensations when you got from standing to laying down but as I can get the falling sensation sitting bold upright but just about to fall asleep assume this is not my cause.

I know just how you feel and it is so scary and horrible - pm me anytime if you want a chat.