View Full Version : Thinking, thinking, thinking......

03-12-10, 11:56
Hi everyone,

I'm struggling a bit at the moment. I find I spend every waking moment worrying about anxiety and the impact it's having on my life. I've been off work for 6 weeks and have been taking Prozac 20mg for that time.

I find the physical symptoms easy (relatively) to cope with and they don't really frighten me.

What bothers me more than anything is the continual thinking and analysing. I find myself doubting my own sanity. Here are a few thoughts which rattle around my head on a daily basis:

Is this really just anxiety?

Am I really here?

Can I trust my memory?

How the hell am I going to get out of this situation?

I find myself going round the same loop all the time. When I'm calm, I can see it's just my imagination running riot. I think the root cause of my anxiety is I fear uncertainty in my life and how do you prove to yourself that you're really here and that your memory isn't just a figment of your imagination? Hence I get stuck in this loop of constantly re-assuring myself and then finding a thread of doubt to follow.

Can anyone else relate to this pattern or is it just me?

I'm desperate to get some peace of mind back into my life and just chill out but I find it extremely difficult to turn off the continual introspection and thinking. I hate being away from work as it gives you a focus and purpose to life. I thought the Prozac would have made a difference y now, but I don't feel like I'm making any headway.

End of rant!!



paula lynne
03-12-10, 14:43
Hi Andy, I could have been reading about myself a couple of years back, going round and round in circles, constant analising...what helped me was reading some great books that ultimately changed the way I thought about my anxiety. Susan Jeffers "Feel the fear"...and recently Dr Claire Weekes "Self-help for your nerves"

Prozac should kick in between 6-12 weeks, see how you feel after Xmas, then maybe see your gp? Hope you feel better soon x

03-12-10, 16:48
Yes tonkaboy yes. I so agree. My problem is thinking to much about the universe, life, anxiety. Feel reassured that at least you are clever if you find yourself analysing and thinking. You need to put that energy into learning and making the world a better place! You have been given the power to think so use it to help the world and give your life purpose and don't let it get bored like it is now. And you need distraction to stop you dwelling on stuff.