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03-12-10, 18:37
:scared11:feel like crying and really upset, coming down from nearly having a panick attack and feel frightened... feel sick had upset stomach... hate it !!! really on edge had an ok week and now this.. wanna really cry.. been here loads of times and i know deep down it will pass but at the moment im freaking out !!! want reasurrence plz xx

03-12-10, 18:57
Hi, how are you feeling now, I so feel for you I know how really rotten those feelings are

It,s always more upsetting when you,ve had a good week and you get an attack out of the blue, but as you know it does pass . Hope you are beginning to feel a bit calmer, hang in there hun you,ll be ok

Love Christine xxx

03-12-10, 20:04
thankyou christine, really helps chick feel alot calmer just got a yucky belly. i panick with upset stomachs you see, but i dont know if i brought it on myself or ive got a tummy bug. i relapsed at the beginning of november after having a few years break, thought i managed to get over it but obviously not !! trying not to let it get to me at the minute and focusing on my shopping trip tmoz, which i know i will still go even if i feel panicky. thankyou again just releasing my feelings and just getting 1 response has made me feel loads better. just wish my CBT would hurry through x

Tia Maria
03-12-10, 20:11
I really understand how you feel - panicky feelings can certainly make your tummy feel upset - this is what happens to me - try sipping some fresh water, I find this helps a lot or sucking on a mint. You will notice that your tummy will settle down once you stop feeling anxious. Try slow breathing exercises too - in for a count of 7 and out for 11 - I find this helps too. Keep trying - it really will pass. Tia x

03-12-10, 20:16
I can completely understand - my tummy causes lots of problems.

How are you feeling right now? Slightly better?

03-12-10, 20:33
i feel quite calm but exhausted.. i have been playing games with my 3yr old to pass the time and if i actually sit back and think about it i brought it on my self which has actually annoyed me !! but i got through it, it hasnt killed me so a point to ME !!
thx all for the replies xxxxx

03-12-10, 20:48
Well done (I have a 3 yr old too :) Keep winning x