View Full Version : What a cropper!!!

Sarah Louise
03-12-10, 18:43
Hi everyone,

Well everything was going great CBT was going well the 40mg of Citalopram was doing me wonders and now CRASH its all come falling down and has hit me worse than ever, mainly because i was not prepared for it and just thought i was cured.

I went to the doctors for the first time in months because i have had trouble with my water works i went expecting her to say nothing was wrong but instead she said you have traces of blood in your urine and white cells which = melt down.
I have never panic so much in my life whats with me all the months of hard work and feel back to square 1! Doctor has put my tablets up to 60mg which is making me feel worse i have my 11 month old who demands my attension but because i am so down with anxiety she misses out and i feel so guilty. :weep:

Hope everyone is well love Sarah

History despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but faced with courage, need not be lived again!

paula lynne
03-12-10, 19:59
Hi Sarah, so what is your gp doing about the urine results?
I know its hard with a little one, I had my first panic attack at home, alone, with my 8 month old baby....I know how you feel. But I know you are doing a great job with him, and he loves you...x
I hope youre increase in meds help. Dont forget, if your gp was that worried about your results, you would be in hospital. Let the increase work for a couple of weeks, and if you feel no better, go back to your gp x Much love, Pol x

03-12-10, 20:35
Blood and white blood cells indicate an infection in your bladder, which fits in with your comment "because i have had trouble with my water works".
It's nothing to worry about. Every time i get an infection down there they show up.
You're fine :) Just drink lots of fluid.

Sarah Louise
04-12-10, 14:23
Thanks for ur replies i have got some horrible side effects with this increase of citalopram i am Sweating, high anxiety, feel sick and weak :O( hope it subsides soon i am trying to be positive but its so hard x